Did you keep all your old homework?

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Sep 28, 2007
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It's been eleven years since I was in school. It's been four years since I passed the PE. I'm thinking of purging the boxes of homework sets I saved.

I'm nervous.

Did everyone recycle that stuff or did you save it?

My husband made me throw most of it out when we cleaned out our extra room for LilSC. I kept one Calculus notebook because I just couldn't get rid of all of it.

I have about two file boxes worth of engineering and geology notes and exams. I have all of my engineering and geology textbooks, too. Fourteen+ years since graduation. It's all at my office though, not the house

I got rid of everything but some reference books that I do actually use from time to time, and the coursework from the classes that directly relate to the power industry. But honestly I've never used any of the coursework except loaning it to a coworker who was taking one of the same classes I had in grad school.

except loaning it to a coworker who was taking one of the same classes I had in grad school.
Is this co-worker still in possession of said coursework? :dancingnaughty:

I have a couple crates with some math/physics stuff from HS. I have pretty much all my coursework from my undergrad. I suppose I don't really ref. it much aside from the power engineering stuff for my graduate courses. I suppose I could purge but I have it filed in the built-in file drawers in the basement so it's not claiming any unnecessary space.

Still have most of my textbooks. I had almost all of my class notes until 11 years after graduation. I was sorting through a bunch of stuff getting ready to move and found notes that seemed to indicate that I used to be pretty smart. It used to be an integral sign, now it's nothing more than a goofy looking "S" to me.

I have all of my relevant textbooks from college (science and engineering and math yes, humanities crap no). I kept my other stuff for about 10 years. I never opened the boxes containing my old notebooks and folders with handouts and assignments, so I tossed them one time when I moved. I had a hard time letting go but it just wasn't worth hanging onto stuff I never touched in a decade.

I have about half of my HW notebooks, the ones you had to write real pretty and extra organized on green paper and I just couldn't bring myself to thrown them away... And I just move them across the country.. Probably one huge box of stuff....

I have all my text and notebooks from sophomore year on up. Except for Physics, and math stuff (primarily diff eqs), I really haven't referenced the stuff.

Dad just go rid of all his textbooks about five years ago. I should probably follow suit, but I've got some b!tchin' artwork in my class notes, as I doodled extensively in the margins.

I kept a few text books and any reports that are on my computer. Other than that, everything else is gone.

8 yrs out of school and I still have most every note book I ever used. I know Ill never reference it again, but I just cant get rid of it. So much work that Ill never be able to duplicate. So much knowledge that Ill never be able to remember. Plus, Ill be able to show it to my kids someday and prove I'm not as dumb as they think.

The pretty green homeworks are the ones I'm having a hard time just pitching. So much fricking time just setting them up. I keep telling myself to just purge the still closed box of "School Papers" that I haven't opened since I moved from college.

The textbooks are sticking around. I'm a sucker for books.

Half of my old college crap is in old liquor boxes down in the basement. The other half is on the shelf at work. I don't really use any of it...

Still have everything. Everything. I like to thing that, at one point in time, I was smart.

And everything has eluded the grips of the wife because most of the stuff is at my parents' house.

And everything has eluded the grips of the wife because most of the stuff is at my parents' house.
At your parents' house? My parents kept on me throughout college to clean out my room. Within days of graduation they had everything left in boxes and told me to either take it with me or it was going to the dump. Days later my old room became their junk room.

Our mom keeps our rooms ready and comfortable for when we visit. My closet still has all my old yearbooks, R/C cars, Nintendo Power magazines, etc... My relevant engineering books / notes are at our house and my irrelevant, non-engineering books / notes are under my bed at mom and dad's.
