2016 Holiday Season

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On 11/22/2016 at 0:58 PM, wilheldp_PE said:
It seems Nintendo is again exercising its tried and true method of generating a ravenous market for one of its products, then producing a dozen of them for the holiday season.  This time it is the NES Classic which is just a little classic Nintendo shaped box that plugs into your TV via HDMI, and has Wii-style ports for controllers (i.e., not USB so that, you know, you could actually get additional controllers for the thing).  It has 30 built in NES games, and no provision for expansion, and they are charging $60 for them.  The should be able to produce millions of them quickly, but they are selling out the nanosecond they hit the shelves (Amazon literally sold out in less than a minute when they released their entire stock).  My sister wants one for my nephew for Xmas, and the guy at Best Buy literally laughed at her when she asked if they had any stock on release day.

I would normally say that this is just a case of the popular toy not being able to keep up with demand (like the Furby or Tickle Me Elmo of Christmases past).  But this has been Nintendo's M.O. for the last decade or so.  The Wii seemed to be produced in quantities of about 10 per week for its first year of production.  Amiibos are always produced in very low quantities, even when it is painfully obvious that there is astronomical demand for certain ones.  I'm no business major, but it seems really stupid to have a nearly insatiable demand for your product and not produce anywhere close enough product to meet the demand.  The only people that benefit from that model are people who have time to camp at a store until stock is replenished, just so they can turn around and sell the hot-ticket item on eBay for 10 times what they paid for it (there is somebody with an NES Classic listed for $4,100 Buy It Now on eBay).

Walmart is supposed to have some in stock today at 2PM PST.  I've been trying for the past week and have gotten close.  I would have gotten one yesterday if my boss hadn't come in to ask me questions 3 minutes before 5.  I was able to click through while he was talking, but then I didn't realize it was asking for my 3 digit code to finalize the purchase and I ended up losing it.

I asked my kid what he wanted for Christmas. I heard, "XBOX," and I said, "XBOX?!" and he replied, "No, Hexbugs!" One is an expensive gaming system, the other is cheap toy. I'm glad the clarification was towards the cheap end.

We've already purchased a knockoff GoPro for him. The other knockoff one we have has performed well, so we went for it. $34 on Amazon.  

Beware, Hexbugs have expanded into considerably more expensive "maker" type robotics kits. But still less than an XBox.  My parents gave my son one last year, and he never even opened it (I am considering building it myself).

Beware, Hexbugs have expanded into considerably more expensive "maker" type robotics kits. But still less than an XBox.  My parents gave my son one last year, and he never even opened it (I am considering building it myself).
He's still, for whatever reason, pretty hooked on just the bugs. 

He also wants a giant Lego set. No particular set, just a really complex set. That's where the real money will be spent. 

So Mrs. Supe dragged my ass to her brother's place for Thanksgiving.  I'm having a hard time narrowing down the worst part of it.  I'd say its a tossup between the 8 hour drive each way with horrible back pain, sleeping on an "air mattress" that I'm pretty sure came from the pool supply clearance rack, having to listen to her nephew a.k.a "The Human Megaphone" for 3 days, or getting a summons in VA for having a headlight out on HER CAR.  Of course, I noticed the headlight out, stopped at a Pilot station to see if they had a replacement bulb (they didn't), and when we were getting a crappy signal to find the closest auto parts store, I got the "we're late, just fix it Friday" speech.  Naturally, we were pulled over no more than 5 minutes down the road from there.

Actually went out on Thanksgiving night (black Friday shopping) with Mrs Kevo & mini Kevo.

Got some deals and only hit 2 stores. 

It's that time of the season.


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Refused to go anywhere to shop, but did manage to get a pair of Reebok lifters for only $35.  They were marked way down since they were the previous generation model of shoe, and then Reebok was doing 50% off on their website with free shipping.  They were originally a $150 pair of shoes.

supes previous post is one of the reasons we moved 6 states away ;)   family is sooo overated!

aside from having to cancel our ( 3 year traditional) thanksgiving ski trip kind of did nothing and enjoyed it.. My wifes Brother and his wife 2 kids were in town but thankfully they stayed in a hotel and did there on thing most of the week, we did spend turkey day with them.

My wifes neice (who was the flower girl in our wedding 23 years ago) was in town (she is a flight attendant) and was looking for a place to crash and eat so we had a full house Thursday, she was supposed to bring 2 coworkers with her but they ended up just staying at their hotel.. But it was a good day.. I smoked a turkey (put it on at 10 PM and then checked on it every 2 hours) made for a long night but IMO there is nothing like the taste of smoked turkey..

We did end up skiing a little Friday, was nice there were no lines and no traffic.. but not much open..

Turkey, polish sausage, perogies for Thanksgiving day.  Ground turkey/spaghetti sauce lasagna for the second thanksgiving diner.    

Holy crap! I just realized I have 24 books to wrap tonight! We are doing that whole read a Christmas book to your kid from Dec 1-24. You wrap them up, and they pick one each night to unwrap and read.


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