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Herr, you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to use logic, proof, and especially books to prove your point to ironman. There's a reason we all just call him names and critique his grammar. He is truly a delusional idiot, and no amount of proof to the contrary of whatever nonsense he is promoting at the time will convince him to view things differently. I understand that he is being very bigoted at the moment which offends you as a legal immigrant, and on behalf of the sane population of this forum, I apologize. But believe me when I tell you that your well-formed arguments are falling on ironman's deaf ears.

If we told them screw you we are not paying the debt and are pulling ALL western technology and resources they would be totally crippled because they are incompetent. We are borrowing money because all our manufacturing base is going over seas so we no longer have a GDP, alot of US jobs are service based. If we keep up this same political suicide they will stomp us with our own technology and know how. There was a day when you could be put in prison for doing what some companies are doing now with building things that use high technology in a hostile nation, it was called treason and was a breach of national security. And as I said before India is a little better but not much better, at least we are not in debt to them nor do we build factorys there to exploit slave labor.
OMG, not even nations like North Korea or Cuba would consider to just not pay their debt.. besides the fact that at the moment we don't pay off our debt, no sane person or country will ever ever lend us money again. and money borrowing is what we do all day.

And unless you can convince every other industrialized country to join your technology boycott (what technology doe the US actually have that Western Europe, Japan etc. don't have something better?). and I'm sure those countries have some technology we need. Software etc, mainly is developed in India nowadays.

for everyone believing in protectionism I'd recommend this book before you make the mistake of bringing the US even more behind other nations.
So how would you recommend that we defend our national interests to keep us from going down the toilet into a 2nd world nation quality of living? I suppose you are right that to much technology and know how has already been given away so we dont really have much else to offer as a nation other than trying to compete with slave labor. Thats what made this nation great is we protected our inginutiy and know how so we were not reduced slaves.

Herr, you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to use logic, proof, and especially books to prove your point to ironman. There's a reason we all just call him names and critique his grammar. He is truly a delusional idiot, and no amount of proof to the contrary of whatever nonsense he is promoting at the time will convince him to view things differently. I understand that he is being very bigoted at the moment which offends you as a legal immigrant, and on behalf of the sane population of this forum, I apologize. But believe me when I tell you that your well-formed arguments are falling on ironman's deaf ears.
I will pay attention when something starts working. Right now all you are doing is blathering as our nation circles the drain, I guess thats why we are circling the drain though is because no one cares, people like me just become a laughing stock as we are sold out by politicians and CEO's.

I have no problem with full blown legal immigrants with US educations, I have a problem with H1 visa workers. You must be a liberal since you seem to like to use the race card. Its not about race its about survival, I guess since a few of you on here can still get decent counter offers to force a raise you could care less but your world is shrinking. When thoes counter offers start to dry up dont come crying.

I will pay attention when something starts working. Right now all you are doing is blathering as our nation circles the drain, I guess thats why we are circling the drain though is because no one cares, people like me just become a laughing stock as we are sold out by politicians and CEO's.
I have no problem with full blown legal immigrants with US educations, I have a problem with H1 visa workers. You must be a liberal since you seem to like to use the race card. Its not about race its about survival, I guess since a few of you on here can still get decent counter offers to force a raise you could care less but your world is shrinking. When thoes counter offers start to dry up dont come crying.
When the hell did I use the race card?

If you knew anything about me, which you don't, you would know that I have been predicting the end of the American Empire for quite a while now. But our demise is not going to come because immigrants, either legal or illegal, are taking our jobs. It's because our government spends about a billion dollars a day more than they take in tax dollars.

You seem to think that if you say "fatty money", "slave labor", or "third world country" enough times, we are all going to awaken to the fact that you are a genius. But your body of work reminds us all that you are still a delusional idiot.

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Herr, you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to use logic, proof, and especially books to prove your point to ironman. There's a reason we all just call him names and critique his grammar. He is truly a delusional idiot, and no amount of proof to the contrary of whatever nonsense he is promoting at the time will convince him to view things differently. I understand that he is being very bigoted at the moment which offends you as a legal immigrant, and on behalf of the sane population of this forum, I apologize. But believe me when I tell you that your well-formed arguments are falling on ironman's deaf ears.
Here is the race card, it has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with visa status and where your BS degree came from.

I will pay attention when something starts working. Right now all you are doing is blathering as our nation circles the drain, I guess thats why we are circling the drain though is because no one cares, people like me just become a laughing stock as we are sold out by politicians and CEO's.
I have no problem with full blown legal immigrants with US educations, I have a problem with H1 visa workers. You must be a liberal since you seem to like to use the race card. Its not about race its about survival, I guess since a few of you on here can still get decent counter offers to force a raise you could care less but your world is shrinking. When thoes counter offers start to dry up dont come crying.
When the hell did I use the race card?

If you knew anything about me, which you don't, you would know that I have been predicting the end of the American Empire for quite a while now. But our demise is not going to come because immigrants, either legal or illegal, are taking our jobs. It's because our government spends about a billion dollars a day more than they take in tax dollars.

You seem to think that if you say "fatty money", "slave labor", or "third world country" enough times, we are all going to awaken to the fact that you are a genius. But your body of work reminds us all that you are still a delusional idiot.
You are correct about the spending, and the spending should have been reined in during boom times. Its to late to rein in that spending now because a vast percentage of the population is relying on unemployment beniftis, social programs or some other sort of tax break/incentive. If the gov pulled the rug out now without good paying jobs for people to fall back onto, you would see roiting and total social break down.

I agree that our debt and spending is a major threat to national security but to believe that NAFTA and out/in sourcing has no effect on our current crisis is dilusional. You cant collect taxes from a population that has no jobs or has a job but their pay is marginal. You cant tax people that dont make squat (which is roughly 90% of the population), most of the wealth is held in the upper 1 or so % and thats another non starter.

I would love for you to point out where I am a dilusional idiot becuase it may help me sleep better at night, knowing that my ideas were dilusional and that all will be well and that im over reacting. I would love to be proven wrong about all my political assertations because that means everything is hunky dorry and there is no cause for alarm.

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Here is the race card, it has nothing to do with race, it has everything to do with visa status and where your BS degree came from.
bigot: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group with hatred and intolerance.

If I was pulling the race card, I would have called you a racist. You are just a generally intolerant idiot, which makes you a bigot. There's a difference. There...I've done my part to expand your vocabulary today. There are many ways in which you can misspell the word bigot as well. Enjoy.

You are correct about the spending, and the spending should have been reined in during boom times. Its to late to rein in that spending now because a vast percentage of the population is relying on unemployment beniftis, social programs or some other sort of tax break/incentive. If the gov pulled the rug out now without good paying jobs for people to fall back onto, you would see roiting and total social break down.
I agree that our debt and spending is a major threat to national security but to believe that NAFTA and out/in sourcing has no effect on our current crisis is dilusional. You cant collect taxes from a population that has no jobs or has a job but their pay is marginal. You cant tax people that dont make squat (which is roughly 90% of the population), most of the wealth is held in the upper 1 or so % and thats another non starter.

I would love for you to point out where I am a dilusional idiot becuase it may help me sleep better at night, knowing that my ideas were dilusional and that all will be well and that im over reacting. I would love to be proven wrong about all my political assertations because that means everything is hunky dorry and there is no cause for alarm.
I know arguing with you does me about as much good as slamming my dick in a car door, but dammit, it's just fun.

For starters, China, India, and European nations are not part of NAFTA. You really need to organize your thoughts before you start arguing. Are you bitching about Mexicans taking low wage jobs from Americans, or are you bitching about legal immigrants taking high skill jobs based on H1 Visas?

Next, your delusions come from the fact that you believe that the flood of immigrants taking high skill jobs in America is some sort of conspiracy to put us all out of work. The fact of the matter is that there is demand for engineers, and American schools are not meeting that demand. If American companies wanted to save money on engineering talent, they would outsource to India-based firms (which some of them do). They certainly wouldn't want to pay the same Indians higher wages, in addition to fees to keep their H1 visas current, to get the same talent that they could get by outsourcing.

As for your obsession with wages, that's where your real delusion lies. Your entitlement philosophy has convinced you that you should command a six figure salary. From what I have gathered, some of your co-workers apparently worked during some sort of boom time in your industry in which they made "fatty money". Now, you think that you should get that salary. Booms occur in certain industries in certain locations (such as the tech boom in Silicon Valley), and if you are lucky enough to have the right skills at the right time in the right location, you can make "fatty money". That certainly doesn't mean that people with the right skills at the wrong place at the wrong time deserve to make those salaries. This is the part that you don't ever seem to grasp, no matter how many ways it is explained to you. Hence, you are a delusional idiot.

You are correct about the spending, and the spending should have been reined in during boom times. Its to late to rein in that spending now because a vast percentage of the population is relying on unemployment beniftis, social programs or some other sort of tax break/incentive. If the gov pulled the rug out now without good paying jobs for people to fall back onto, you would see roiting and total social break down.
I agree that our debt and spending is a major threat to national security but to believe that NAFTA and out/in sourcing has no effect on our current crisis is dilusional. You cant collect taxes from a population that has no jobs or has a job but their pay is marginal. You cant tax people that dont make squat (which is roughly 90% of the population), most of the wealth is held in the upper 1 or so % and thats another non starter.

I would love for you to point out where I am a dilusional idiot becuase it may help me sleep better at night, knowing that my ideas were dilusional and that all will be well and that im over reacting. I would love to be proven wrong about all my political assertations because that means everything is hunky dorry and there is no cause for alarm.
I know arguing with you does me about as much good as slamming my dick in a car door, but dammit, it's just fun.

For starters, China, India, and European nations are not part of NAFTA. You really need to organize your thoughts before you start arguing. Are you bitching about Mexicans taking low wage jobs from Americans, or are you bitching about legal immigrants taking high skill jobs based on H1 Visas?

Next, your delusions come from the fact that you believe that the flood of immigrants taking high skill jobs in America is some sort of conspiracy to put us all out of work. The fact of the matter is that there is demand for engineers, and American schools are not meeting that demand. If American companies wanted to save money on engineering talent, they would outsource to India-based firms (which some of them do). They certainly wouldn't want to pay the same Indians higher wages, in addition to fees to keep their H1 visas current, to get the same talent that they could get by outsourcing.

As for your obsession with wages, that's where your real delusion lies. Your entitlement philosophy has convinced you that you should command a six figure salary. From what I have gathered, some of your co-workers apparently worked during some sort of boom time in your industry in which they made "fatty money". Now, you think that you should get that salary. Booms occur in certain industries in certain locations (such as the tech boom in Silicon Valley), and if you are lucky enough to have the right skills at the right time in the right location, you can make "fatty money". That certainly doesn't mean that people with the right skills at the wrong place at the wrong time deserve to make those salaries. This is the part that you don't ever seem to grasp, no matter how many ways it is explained to you. Hence, you are a delusional idiot.
I guess I have come to grasp it, it just sucks is all. Hopefully there is a boom time that I can benifit from sometime in my life while I have the health to enjoy it, if not then thats just life, your born, you do the best you can and you die. It creates some issues with my fiance and I sometimes because she sees people around us that are/were in the same job field as me making WAY more money but I cant seem to make that rate. I try to explain that it was through a series of fortunate events that these friends are where they are. I missed the last mini boom by the skin of my teeth because I was still in the 0-5 year range trying to get my PE, now that I am in the 6 year range with my PE the economy is in the shitter, but I never got to money up my savings acount so it is very apparent in my standard of living vs thoes around me (even including thoes with less experience than me because they are given hand outs from parents who lived during earlier boom times and profited from them.

I guess I want to have as little barriers in place to facilitate the next boom that I can actually profit from and I dont see a flood of H1 visa workers helping that situation any, it all boils down to supply and demand and if companies have the whole world to pull from the odds of seeing another boom are slim. I only have to deal with this shit for another 40-50 years so I guess thats not that bad lol.

Why do you think im going to try to build my own hangar with scrap metal and a hand concrete mixer lol. I am even thinking about building my own acrobatic plane to cut down expenses (we will see how long it takes me to save 70k for a pitts S2C/B).

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Seems like you are about the same age as I am. I missed the boom too. Graduated in 2005 with my BSCE. However, I do feel lucky. New graduates right now can't find a job to save their lives. When I graduated I had several job offers which made it easier. Imagine if we had graduated in 08, 09 or even this year? Most just continue on to obtain their master's. I had mine paid for by my employer which is great. One thing to note that alot of people dont realize is that student loans do not get cleared through bankrupcy. They will hound you your whole life. Its a double edged sword now.

I don't think their will be a boom for a long time. Maybe in the energy sector? The US population will have to learn how to live with less.

So is this all a big whine that you missed out on what our parents had? Maybe you dont realize it, but there hasn't been some magical glorious time in quite some time. There's been recession after recession since the 80's and it just goes to show you that you're not entitled to shit in this life, you have to go earn it. If you're so bitter about not having shit, get a better job and quit bitching about how everybody else in the world done you wrong. Yes, there are jobs out there, go get one. Move out of Alaska, there's a world outside of Palinopolis.

Move out of Alaska, there's a world outside of Palinopolis.
Ironhead may live in Alaska, but his point of view is at least equally reminiscent of the TV ads Barbara Boxer is running out here in my state. The nasty, money-grubbing corporation makes it impossible for us to find work. Balderdash. I've never in my life worked with an HB-1 visa holder, and I worked several years for a silicon valley company. I know they exist, but they are no problem for qualified, educated American engineers.

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This thread is awesome. "Move out of Alaska, there's a world outside of Palinopolis" LOL thats one sweet quote. Benbo said balderdash!

This year I saw 2 H1B job postings hung up next to the water cooler. I don't think there is a requirement to post them. I think someone in the organization was pissed and hung it up so everyone would know. Both positions were for an engineer II or III doing System Protection and Control with a salary range of 60-86k depending on experience. In my organization the minimum requirements for an eng II is 3 years exp or Masters + 1 year exp. For an eng III it is 3 years exp + Masters or 5 years exp. I know both postions were open for a while.

I've worked with two guys in our company in the past 8 years that were foreign. They both had green cards, one was from Colombia and did his undergrad there and got a Master's degree in the US, the other was from Kenya and got a Bachelor's degree in the US. They were both extremely hard workers/bright/intelligent and I was fortunate to be able to work with them. What impressed me about them was that they knew they had one chance to make a living in the US and they persevered and achieved. That is quite contrary to quite a few people that I went to school with, who farted around knowing that if they failed out of school they could come back a year later and live off of mommy and daddy for a few years. Like it or not, IMHO foreign workers are often more motivated and work much harder than their US counterparts. It seems that ironman is resentful of that.

Like it or not, IMHO foreign workers are often more motivated and work much harder than their US counterparts.
I don't know if you can generalize about this. I've worked with some lazy foreign born and educated engineers, and some hard working ones.

What I do know is that this thread is full of employed engineers. And this website is full of engineers getting job offers. Where I work, the utilities are constantly grabbing up our engineers, making it hard for us to keep them. Native born engineers.

From what he writes, ironhead is not doing all that bad, except in his own metallic brain. He wants an easy path to fatty money. That just isn't happening - visas or no visas.

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Like it or not, IMHO foreign workers are often more motivated and work much harder than their US counterparts.
I don't know if you can generalize about this. I've worked with some lazy foreign born and educated engineers, and some hard working ones.

What I do know is that this thread is full of employed engineers. And this website is full of engineers getting job offers. Where I work, the utilities are constantly grabbing up our engineers, making it hard for us to keep them. Native born engineers.

From what he writes, ironhead is not doing all that bad, except in his own metallic brain. He wants an easy path to fatty money. That just isn't happening - visas or no visas.
Never said I wanted an easy path, I hardly call a BS and a PE working on an MS in a different disipline "easy", it would just be nice if "fatty money" were even avalible. As the Navy guy so eliquently and with so much couth (rolls eyes which is why im not military any more lol) put it is we are all going to have to work harder and live on less, thats because the gov and CEO's are selling us out. The whole point of a first world nation is so that you can work hard and live a good life, not so you can work hard to live like a slave, that would be 2nd or 3rd world.

Maybe some of you live to work but I work to live. I see alot of the live to work mentality on this site and other places. I never advocated lazyness I just think we are all being shafted. I do agree though that I dont think the boom times are comming back and we need to start teaching our kids to be worked like dogs for marginal compensation because thats the direction we are heading and we ourselves need to start adjusting our life styles and rethinking core values (like college educations get you somewhere). I paid off my student loan debt and my only debt is my condo which I am getting ready to sell just in case. However student loans and education dont make sense anymore becuase the cost of education, time and energy is not really worth the pay off. Once the incentives to work hard are gone your society denigrates and you fall as a nation, I wonder what the freshmen enrollment for engineering looks like this fall, I know I am taking E&M and there are like 8 people in my class. I know people who are lazy and I was pushing the whole BS degree thing for years and now I am only making marginally more than they are so I cant even prove that it was worth it other than the fact that I sit in a chair and they sit in a car.

So is this all a big whine that you missed out on what our parents had? Maybe you dont realize it, but there hasn't been some magical glorious time in quite some time. There's been recession after recession since the 80's and it just goes to show you that you're not entitled to shit in this life, you have to go earn it. If you're so bitter about not having shit, get a better job and quit bitching about how everybody else in the world done you wrong. Yes, there are jobs out there, go get one. Move out of Alaska, there's a world outside of Palinopolis.
What exactly are you fighting to defend anyways?

I do agree though that I dont think the boom times are comming back and we need to start teaching our kids to be worked like dogs for marginal compensation
This. This is why you're a delusional idiot.

Working 40 to 50 hours per week for a salary that puts you in the upper middle class of America is FAR, FAR from being "worked like a dog for marginal compensation." People at or below the poverty line that are working 2 to 3 jobs just to feed themselves and/or their families meet that description, but nobody on this forum does.

Look at this chart. The median income for a 25+ year old that is employed full time and has a Master's degree is $61,273. Like everybody has told you a freakin' million times, unless you are in a boom time, or you live in a high cost of living area, YOU ARE NOT GOING TO MAKE SIX FIGURES until late in your career.

I think I'll argue with my stapler now because it's more productive.


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