I did the same solution Based on @supra33202 's solution per your attached comment above. I just don't know why the NCEES solution have the minus neutral current.Oh no I'm having a brain fart: How do we know Ic=0?
I like how everyone posts these problems. When I think I know something that I used to know, all of a sudden I realize it hasn't stuck yet.
@Chattaneer PE, will the Neutral current displaced by 180 degrees if we use the other way around?It doesn't really matter which side I neutral is on.
With Ia+In+Ic=In or Ia+Ib+Ic+In=0 they will work out to the same answer because of KCL.
The angle will tell you the direction. All depends if it's included at summing into the node or leaving the node.@Chattaneer PE, will the Neutral current displaced by 180 degrees if we use the other way around?
transpose In to the right of the equation:
Ia+Ib+Ic=-In --> 180 degrees displaced
Thanks @Chattaneer PE.The angle will tell you the direction. All depends if it's included at summing into the node or leaving the node.
@Chattaneer PE, great explanation! Quick question though, is there gonna be a way in theory(or maybe in reality) that all the phase currents(Ia,Ib,Ic) including the neutral current(In) will all be entering a common node? If yes, in what scenario?Here's how I would draw the diagram:
View attachment 16225
From this we can make the equation Ia + Ib = In.
Ia = (200+100j) kVA / (7.62 ∠ 0 kV) = 29.3 ∠ 26.56
Ib = (200+100j) kVA / (7.62 ∠ 120 kV) = 29.3 ∠ 86.56
In = Ia + Ib = 29.3 ∠ 26.56 + 29.3 ∠ 86.56 = 29.3 ∠ -33.4
If we drew In going into the node (->, towards the right), the equation would be Ia + Ib + In = 0 (summing all entering the node). Transform to Ia + Ib = -In.
When we do all the calculations again, we get In = -29.3∠ -33.4. Since this is negative, we know In has to be leaving the node.
Just like in circuits when using KCL, the sign of the currents tells use the direction of flow based on how we draw the diagram.
The only time current flows on a neutral is when the load is not balanced.@Chattaneer PE, great explanation! Quick question though, is there gonna be a way in theory(or maybe in reality) that all the phase currents(Ia,Ib,Ic) including the neutral current(In) will all be entering a common node? If yes, in what scenario?
How did they get the formula Ia+Ib= -In?
What I know is In=Ia+Ib+Ic. And if Ic=0, should it be Ia+Ib=In, right?
Nice. This is what I thought, that typically the neutral current is also flowing from source to the load. and since it will be negative, the actual flow will be opposite.Here's the trick:
Most books do not explain this well and gloss over it entirely. If you use a KCL equation to solve for the neutral current (In) from the three line currents (Ia, Ib, Ic) of a wye wye system, it looks like this:
However, the direction of the neutral current is typically shown from the source to the load, just like the line currents. This is where the negative sign comes from. How do we change the direction of the neutral current to express it mathematically as flowing from the source to the load? We multiply it by negative one, or lead/lag the phase angle by 180 degrees (both have the same affect).
- In = Ia + Ib + Ic
The neutral current formula then becomes:
In this particular problem since there is no C line current, the following happens once we substitute Ic = 0 into the previous formula:
- In = -(Ia + Ib + Ic) or In = -Ia - Ib - Ic or -In = Ia + Ib + Ic
However, since the problem is only asking for the magnitude of the neutral current, and not the complex neutral current with magntidue and angle, the negative sign does not matter.
- In = -(Ia + Ib + 0)
- In = -(Ia + Ib)
Multiplying a complex number by negative one is really just leading/lagging the phase angle by 180 degrees, it has no affect on the magnitude.
So even if you solved it without the negative sign for the neutral current, you'll still end up with the same magnitude of 29.3A that the author did.
Try it:
View attachment 16241