Your anonymity level

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How important is anonymity to you when posting on this site?

  • Extremely important - I wouldn't want anyone to know it's me

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Important - I don't mind if a few close friends would know it's me

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Less important - I don't mind if any of my friends know it's me, but I hope my boss doesn&#3

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Not very important - I don't use my real name, but I don't care if someone knows who I am

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Not important at all - I use my real name and I don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I just use a high school nickname.

No Ed I don't use it because of Kipper The Dog.

But on other engineering trade sites I use a completely anonymous name. :waitwall:

I dont think I'm that annonymous because my personality here is pretty much like my real personality so my friends would probably know me and I also posted I was from IL and taking civ-WR.

On the other boards that I visit, I've changed my different poster names to just one.......

Tom McKeon, P.E.

I also post my picture as my avatar


or sometimes this one:


OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL. So you are the poster formerly known as tmckeon??? You just go by a symbol now on PPI? No screen name anymore?

OH MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LOL. So you are the poster formerly known as tmckeon??? You just go by a symbol now on "the other board"? No screen name anymore?

LOL. No. I guess except "the other board". I have a different name over there. I wouldn't want to infringe on Tom's reputation over there!

He's worked hard for that reputation lately, and I think it's only fair that you don't do anything to comprimise his hard work.

He's worked hard for that reputation lately, and I think it's only fair that you don't do anything to comprimise his hard work.
Did you see the thread where he was diagnosed with paranoia and schizophrenia? At first, I thought ha, ha, what a joke. But the more I read it, it seemed to fit him more and more.

I did, and there was another one a week or so ago about narcisism disorder (sp?) or something.

I laughed at first, then got to thinking......... :)

BTW, I moved this here to the Secret Room, since I vowed to be nice "in public" about the poster formerly known as tmckeon

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except PPI. I have a different name over there.
I got a good guess at that one, in fact, I've got a few good guesses at who alot of the posters over there are here. The lunch threads sometimes throw clues out there.

For example, only VT would eat something like clam chowder. LOL.


but there not all mine (I had loaned out that screen name to some other individuals)
