Your anonymity level

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How important is anonymity to you when posting on this site?

  • Extremely important - I wouldn't want anyone to know it's me

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Important - I don't mind if a few close friends would know it's me

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Less important - I don't mind if any of my friends know it's me, but I hope my boss doesn&#3

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Not very important - I don't use my real name, but I don't care if someone knows who I am

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Not important at all - I use my real name and I don't care

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Spammer Emeritus
Nov 5, 2006
Reaction score
Just wondering how anonymous people feel, or want to feel, when they're posting on this board.

For me, I'm pretty sure that anyone in my "state" or even in nearby states would know who I am, as long as they are engineers or somehow connected to the type of work I do.

But I do like to pretend that I retain some level of anonymity, so I don't post with my real name. However, someone from here would know who I am right away even from my member name.

On other boards I have joined, I usually just use my name. But I've begun to think twice about that practice.

If I am going to post, at least on most things, I don't mind or care if someone knows who posted.

Intelligent people can find or figure out who did the postings anyway. That is why I don't even hide the city, state or, for that matter, date of birth. I figure that, when I am using a cell phone, someone is capable of (and possibly doing it) recording what I say.

I would like more privacy, but that seems to be a thing largely of the past (sad, but true).

I am screwed. I use my real name. Now I realized that was a mistake but what the heck. What is done is done :waitwall: . I did not expect some things that happened at the other forum, by the way.... :"the other board": , to happen on an engineer's forum. Other than that I feel OK. I am an ordinary guy and don't think will draw the attention of a :waitwall: or somebody else.

I use my real name and even posted where I am - I don't think it really matters. Like Tmckeon said, anyone who did any bit of sleuthing would easily be able to track down an identity. That's just the way it is.

With that said, I have communicated with several people by e-mail and a few by phone. I actually expect I will eventually meet some of the people from this board. :waitwall:

For better, or worse, I like this group of people .. I think this board has attracted a really cool group of people. :waitwall: In fact, I wouldn't mind having lunch (or dinner) with anyone from this board, despite what Mr. Lindeburg says :waitwall:


I would prefer to be anonymous but I don't think that's possible on the internet.

good topic Dleg! I think that someone could figure out exactly who I am if they read all my posts. I like to use a psuedonymn to maintain plausable deniability about how much time I am burning on here. :waitwall:

An office mate or friend would know it was me. I don't particularly worry about anonymity that much. I'll give out basic personal details but not directions to my office or something like that.

As long as people from my office dont know its me I dont really care. Any friends of mine who see my user name would know its me instantly. As for wanting to stay anonymous on a board where Ive posted for a long time I dont mind letting people know about me but Im not going to put it out there for the world to see.

After my Drnuk Too Much Scocht post on Passing Eve, I'm ashamed to show my face pretty much anywhere. :laugh:

I don't worry too much about it. Anybody who wanted to could figure out who I am. And this site is pretty specialized also. I do try and maintain a little anonymity on more "generic" message boards, especially if I'm posting anything about my family. I'm on a couple of message boards that center around scrapbooking (I'm an addict) and I'm amazed at what personal info people will post. Not just the town they live in, but the schools their kids go to, their kids names and ages, pictures of the kids (on scrapbooking pages), pictures of their house, etc. That's more than I'm comfortable with.

didn't feel comfortable with putting my name as the user anymore, so switched it out when we moved to the new board.

If anyone wanted to find me, it wouldn't have been that hard, not using my direct name allows me a little insulation from just telling people where I live, etc.

whatever you say Mr. Alex Smith of 387 Beaver Lakes Road, :laugh:

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My feelings on this keep changing. I'm a little leary about giving away my identity, but I guess this board would be hard to just stumble upon unless you were an engineer, mostly looking for information on the PE exam. In that case it's more like networking, and it's hard to swap advice/work experiences/etc if you don't give out any information.

I decided I couldnt hide my real name any longer, so I changed it to who I really am..

and please try if you dont find someone in 6 months we will give you 6 months for free

I have no problem with anybody knowing you I am. I don't use my name because I am a big fan of Metallica, therefore I use "ktulu"....The Call of Ktulu from the Ride the Lightning album. No words, just jam.... :mail-296:

I am sure a little effort would determine everyone here.
