Yep, this sh*t again

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Last Letterman wasn't too bad. I typically don't watch any late night TV with my grad school "career", but it was decent. Definitely the end of an era whether anyone liked him or not.

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I, like many, remember as a kid sneaking downstairs to watch him on the late show. He got a little too liberal loving for me the last few years but defin a little sad to see him go..

I think Leno was the best... I can't stand Kimmel and the other fallen douchebags on late night these days... It's like they are all heard up for the ADD generation...



I don't like any of the late night guys now. I'm right there with you RG. I don't know what the love for Jimmy Fallon is. He just always looks like a stoned, clueless kid to me. I don't see him as an adult in any way shape or form. Just a college kid, stoned out of his mind, making a shit ton of money to do the same stupid shit that he did on SNL.

Leno was good stuff. Conan was funny in the beginning too then it got all bureaucratic with moving things around and time slots blah blah. I wonder how S. Colbert will do as Letterman's replacement. But again, I won't be rearranging my schedule in an effort to watch it. LOL

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