SemiQualified: first, welcome to the forum. It looks like you just started here.
Second, what people try to tell you is that the board will have the final say in how to interpret your case. they can accept certain references (even if they don't meet what is on the requirements), accept your education, accept your experience - or not. In the end it is up to you to explain your situation and they likely have understanding that not every career is like in the text book. Even if staff at your state tell you you don't qualify, this doesn't mean the board says the same. Even if it sounds like risking money, in the end only an application will reveal if they accept you or not. You also can appeal if they denied you.
Of course, we here can give some guidance, based on our personal experience. Also consider that there are 50 states with 50 different boards and rules and the person responding is referring to his or her own experience that may be some years ago.
Also be prepared to not consider $ 30 or $ 75 to be significant. With text books, exam fee (about $ 250) and all the time you spend studying (if time is money) you run into much much more cost.
good luck!