Why did you go for the PE license?

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10+ years out of school, he can't get over the hump of the FE.
Yeah, that's why I took the EIT when I was still in college. My dad worked with a guy who wanted to get his PE for promotion reasons, but had taken the EIT five times. I didn't want to be in that boat.

I never intended to get the PE, but when I decided to, I was glad the EIT was out of the way.

I don't know what to tell you. I am trying to get my PE so I can feel smarter, more hansome, better educated, more sophisticated, cultured, and of value than others. I also believe it will make my wife like me more, and reduce my body fat percentage. Why else would I do anything?

I took the PE exam because it is a requirement in consulting firm.

Honestly, I don't think that a PE title makes you "smart" but, you will definitely be chosen over non-PE when it comes to judgements/decisions.

I did heavy civil construction before entering the consulting world. The EIT and PE did not matter in the field, but they held a lot of weight when you were a PM or APM and agruing with the designers or the DOT. In my other position, the USNR, Civil Engineer Corps Officers are required to be licensed in order to be promoted to senior ranking positions.

Take the test if for no other reason that you will never wonder whether or not you could do it.

Pertaining to Federal Government, P.E. is required for certain GS13 and above positions. Also, it will give you 1-up on your peers when putting in for a promotion. However, other programs in the Government such as (LDP, ELP, etc.) tend to outweight a P.E. license when moving up into a supervisory or managerial position. Technical competence tends to be less important and leadership skills more as you move up.

Gov. does not seal drawings and engineers are protected under the Gov. umbrella. Thus, in a design environment, a P.E. is irrelevant. Most designs are contracted out to A-E firms and the Gov. requires licensed professionals to sign and seal drawings. In-house designs do not require such.

If your company pays for the test and license fee as well as gives you administrative leave to take the test resulting in minimal out of pocket expense, then I say take it. Else, go work in the private or Gov. sectors and avoid consulting jobs.

And yes, It helps get the chicks.
