On a final note, my company encourages those who qualify to take the PE exam because it makes the company look good and it can increase your billing rate, which in turn, should increase your salary. It's a win-win, but it is all dependent on the professional culture and respect the company has for its employees and from their clients.
The "win-win" isn't 100% true. In our office, the youngest engineer has finally passed their PE, which makes our entire office PE's (except the receptionist). Now that we are all PE's, we all make more money and conversely bill out at higher rates. This is a problem because in the "competitive bid" world, we have just priced ourselves out of alot of work because an office full of PE's can't compete against 1 PE with EIT support when it comes to price.
We are hoping to bring in 1-2 new grads and possibly a CAD guy to help with this, but I don't see this happening anytime soon due to some corporate individuals and their inability to remove their heads from their, well, you know. What will realistically happen is that 1 or 2 of us will be laid off only to be replaced by new grads.