Who do you write like?

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I write like Arthur Clark... who wrote 2001: Space Odyssey. That's awesome!

James Joyce, but it changes almost every time. Then again, most of the good stuff I write is said via Communicator conversations, so I don't have them saved.

it says i write like stephen King. SInce he is one of my fav authors not suprising. Has anyone tried entering their writing twice to see if you get the same result or if it is just a random output.

Has anyone tried entering their writing twice to see if you get the same result or if it is just a random output.
I get David Wallace Foster, and Edgar Allan Poe, for a abot 10 different submissions.

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Hmmm ... really?


I got a Cory Doctorow and a Stephen King on successive independent submissions, so I typed in a paragraph from William Faulkner's "Light in August".

Apparently William Faulkner also writes like Stephen King.

"I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like me" - Jack Handey
