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Taking suggestions
Nov 3, 2006
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In early April more of the health insurance premium becomes my responsibility, prorated to % time working. Do I stay at 3 days/week for another 6 months or bump it to 4 days is the question. I've run the cost estimates, with the added day of daycare each week and the difference in premium costs it would only cost me about $92 more a month to stay at the 3 days/wk and spend more time with minisnick. Me thinks I will spend the time with my baby.

I think you should stay with Mini-Snick. If you don't, someday down the road you will have wished you would have. I would give anything to be able to spend an extra day or two a week with Mini-Ble. I always look forward to my off Fridays because I get to be with him (and Mrs. Ble ;) ) three days over the weekend instead of two.

He's only going to be this small once and the time goes by incredibly fast. For me it would be worth the money to stay with a three-day week.

We're on the other side of the debate. My wife determined that she preferred to keep working full time (granted she only works 3days a week but for 12-14 hours each day). We have the kiddos in daycare for 4 days per week. Since she typically works 1 weekend day per week, it allows her 1-2 days per week where she is home alone and has a chance to get ahead with the house-work. Additionally, the daycare center is more of a pre-school facility in that the kids go through learning activities from 8-3:30, and playtime for the rest of the day (open from 6a-6:30p).

With this schedule, my wife and I typically have 1 day at home with the kiddos solo, and 1 weekend day with us both home. We get plenty of face time.

Don't get me wrong, we love our kids very much, but neither of us is what you would call "stay at home parent" material. We both need the daily "adult" stimulation through our jobs.

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Snick, i would totally opt for the more time with the baby. I'm surprised that it actually would cost more to do 3 days rather than 4 days.

Zero payment for daycare is what keeps me from pursuing either side work or temp / contract work. Before we moved, my MIL would babysit for reasonable money, but we don't have the cheap daycare option anymore. i guess its been nice, thrust into the role of stay at home parent without a choice - but yeah like Dexman, i really miss the higher level interaction & sense of worth that comes from working...and the 2nd income would be like an unfathomable luxury at this point

Snick, i would totally opt for the more time with the baby. I'm surprised that it actually would cost more to do 3 days rather than 4 days.
The cost of the health insurance is more for only working 3 days. I have to pay 40% of what the state would have paid if i were working fulltime. 4 days = only paying 20%

I've never heard someone say, "Man, I wish I'd spent more time at the office instead of with my kids."

Mini-snick +100


I'd also choose to spend more time with minisnick. Heck, who wouldn't? :thumbs:

It's always challenging finding the balance and giving advice to others for family and work, especially since everyone is different. This is one of those topics where if you polled a room of 5 people, you'd get 6 different answers, and none of the answers would necessarily be wrong. Obviously not every answer would be acceptable to every person, but they each would contain their own respective blend of pro's and con's.

I love spending time with my kids, but I also enjoy the statisfaction of working as an engineer. There are days where I am excited to get to work so I can tackle the latest design/construction issue, and other days where all I want to do is go to the park with my kids and watch them play.

I think everyone has a certain "need" for stimulating interaction with others. Some people find this stimulation through their interaction with their kids, others find it in the lab/office/work environment, and a few more find it through sports/activities/games. It's just important that you find the balance that is right for you. It is also important to find the balance between the interaction you want and the interaction you need as well as with the interaction everyone around you needs (kids, spouse). You shouldn't give up what your kids/family need simply because you want to do something else.

You also have to balance this all with your "obligations" such as being a good spouse and parent as well as meeting the needs of your employer and/or clients.

You may have noticed I have completely left out the financial aspect of this, and this was intentional. You will find that once you determine your own "balance," the financial aspect always seems to work itself out.

I don't think anyone has developed a perfect system, we all just find a way to maintain.

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so you get an extra $92 a month, and somebody else changes diapers one day a week?


Don't get me wrong, we love our kids very much, but neither of us is what you would call "stay at home parent" material. We both need the daily "adult" stimulation through our jobs.
What the hell has happened to this board? I don't check in often, miss this thread and no one has commented on this?

Dex, not sure where you're working, but are they hiring?

Good Day.

I said GOOD DAY!

Just hired 1 (starts on Monday), a second is supposed to be coming on-board within a couple of weeks. I know we just interviewed a new-grad, so not sure if there are more openings...
