What time do you eat dinner?

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RIP - VTEnviro

His Memory Eternal
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Frozen Plains of the North
By the time we get home, go to the gym, clean up, and take care of stuff around the house, feed and walk the dogs, it's 8:30 or 9 by the time we eat.

I always ate around that time or so from my teenage years on, between my Dad having odd hours, stuff in the evening in HS, night classes for me in college and grad school, etc.

We were chatting about it around the water cooler the other day and people thought we were nuts. Like somehow they miracuously have a roast on the table and everyone in their Sunday finest by 5:30.

Out of curiousity, when's chow time at your haus?

Usually right when I get home, since MIAF is unemployed currently. She will likely be working at a restaurant though, so I'll be left to fend for myself and junior. I can see plenty of 9:00 pm hot dogs in my future.

We typically eat a big lunch and then have a small snack around 6:30 or 7. It has really helped take the weight off and keep it off.

We typically eat a big lunch and then have a small snack around 6:30 or 7. It has really helped take the weight off and keep it off.

Hmm, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I usually eat smaller lunches, feel starving by the time I get home, and then eat like a horse and lose all motivation to exercise.

I have a big "snack" when I get home about 5-6 which is also when we get food for the kiddos.

Then the wife and I have dinner anywhere between 8-9.

On weekends, it's more of a free-for-all with meals all day. We just pretty much snack all day unless we have to go out and run errands, then we'll stop by and grab a meal somewhere (like Chipotle or Subway).

Dinner is what you have on Sunday at noon ain't it?

When the kids were younger we used to eat together as family, around six or six-thirty if we could, later if things like soccer practice or piano lessons got in the way.

My mom, however, insisted that supper time be 5:30 on the dot.

Nowadays I cook a big meal which lasts for a couple of days in the fridge, and it's every man for himself.

I don't see how parents could have supper at 5:30, if both of them are working. If one is a SAH parent then I reckon it's possible.

We typically eat a big lunch and then have a small snack around 6:30 or 7. It has really helped take the weight off and keep it off.

Hmm, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I usually eat smaller lunches, feel starving by the time I get home, and then eat like a horse and lose all motivation to exercise.

If you're looking for a weight loss meal schedule, reverse the "typical" American eating habits. Start big and decrease your meal size over the day. Fill in the snack times with things like nuts, fruit, or granola (trail mix), but keep it limited to 1/4 to 1/2 cup. Try this:

Big breakfast

Small brunch snack

Medium to large Lunch

Small mid-afternoon snack (3-4pm)

Light dinner (6-7pm)

I have been told by several nutritionalists that your body is typically craving nutrition right after it wakes up and doesn't need as much late in the day as things slow down. They basically said it's better for the body to have the food BEFORE the activity for the day than to have it AFTER and play "catch up". The food consumed late in the day doesn't have as much active time to digest before you go to bed (meats take as long as 5-6 hours to digest). Once it is finally broken down, and you're asleep, your body has no real choice but to store the energy (fat).

As part of my weight GAIN regiment, I have been following the above schedule, except that I keep the meal sizes constant (big lunch, big dinner) and I add a late small snack.

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We typically eat a big lunch and then have a small snack around 6:30 or 7. It has really helped take the weight off and keep it off.

Hmm, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I usually eat smaller lunches, feel starving by the time I get home, and then eat like a horse and lose all motivation to exercise.
It really worked out well for me. I used to come home and eat a huge meal and then just go to bed. Now, my big meal is at lunch and I the rest of the day to work it off.

I usually get home ~6:30 or so and like to eat by 7:00. However, many times we don't sit down until 8 or so and I really don't like eating that late.

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Usually Mrs. Chucktown has dinner ready at about 7:00 sometimes 6:30 but she is a stay at home mom. We don't do the gym thing either, although I should. I usually hang out with the kids for a little bit after dinner and have them in the bath by 7:45, bed time at 8:15, walk the dog after that, veg out on the couch from 8:45 till 11:00.

Most weekdays we aren't home until after 7. Dinner at the earliest is usually around 8.

My dinner time really varies - Mrs. JR and I don't have any real constraints other than work, so it just depends on what we are doing for that day.

