What do PE's do as a second job?

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I've been contemplating finding something to do on the side or at night to make sure I have some sort of income during this slow period. I'm having trouble finding something that suits my particular set of skills. I can do anything physical, and am not above doing a low level job to help make ends meet, but the thing I keep coming back to is its a shame to do that with the talent/ability/certifications that I have. That sounds very prideful I know, but am I wrong? It seems wrong to be delivering pizzas (or something similar) when I can seal anything mechanical in four states. So I'm curious, what do PE's do on the side? I would love a way to maybe work at home and pull in some dough, but I'm hitting a brick wall.

When your unemployment benefits run out, you don't exactly think about your skill set. I got lucky, I had just taken a job at a shipping warehouse on the night shift when I got an offer for something a step or two up from that. Then again, I don't have my PE... I imagine it would be harder for a person with a PE... I got enough "your over qualified" turn downs with out it...

My license isn't what I'm primarily employed for, so it works out that I can do survey stuff on the side (and not be bored lol). Still piecing together my equip arsenal, and probably do a sole proprietorship eventually for it.

Well, I love (or at least like) what I do as a day job, most of the time. Enough so, that I wouldn't mind doing it at night too, but that is very problematic (conflict of interest, offending partner, liability ins cost, etc). I have done a small amount of side work drafting houses or small mechanical systems, but that is very sporadic and usually doesn't pay much when it pays at all. Still thinking...

I lay pipe.

Not sure what smaller schools are in your area, but you might consider teaching a couple undergrad classes...seems like they are always looking for evening instructors for math and/or science.
We did a project at a local tech college. I did the drainage design and got some assistance from a prof there who got me some info. At his request, threw together a syllabus for a hydrology class, which sadly went nowhere.

That's a good point, I applied to the local community college here to teach a surveying lab. It pays about $4k per semester, but unfortunately I was too late and they filled the position. You might be able to find something like that nearby. The one I was after wanted people with engineering or surveying degrees, masters degree and a resume of experience showing survey work.

I teach part time at a local university (Cal Poly Pomona), for the ME and ET program. But I had an in - I got my BS and MS from there.

On weekends here and there, I sell firewood. I love off-roading, so going in the mountains and cutting up trees is relaxing. Also, splitting used to be a great workout until I bought a hydraulic splitter. You won't get rich off it, but it puts a couple hundred bucks in my pocket here and there. And I'm already cutting firewood for my wood burning stove, so why not? But the home inspector thing - that's something I had been already thinking about doing.

By the way, if any of my friends invited me over for BBQ and beer, and it turned out to be one of those "man parties"... Well, that'd be the end of that friendship. I'd leave on the spot.

If it came down to it, I would do woodworking. I can build cabinets, dressers, beds, entertainment centers, desks, etc. I have enough of the tools to get the job done and all I would lose would be a parking space in my garage. One of my architect friends got through his layoff downtime doing the same thing.


A former member here delivered pizza. Paging Chucktown...Chucktown?

Minor rant on homeparties- men don't have parties that require their friends to buy things so they can get free stuff...they just have parties. Why do women do this to each other?

I haven't had a second job since I've been an engineer. The money ha been so good I never saw the need....

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I don't have a second job, but I have enough hobbies that have the potential to turn a profit, that I'm thinking about starting an LLC. I have a 3D printer and a laser cutter/engraver, so I can make prototypes or low-volume production products for inventors/hobbyists. I have a large smoker that I fill up almost every time I fire it up, and make a small profit selling BBQ to friends/coworkers.

I run my own PC & Repair business. It was a bit too costly to set up an LLC here in WI so I just got a tax ID number from the state and that works just fine so long as I pay quarterly state taxes. ;)

I run my own PC & Repair business. It was a bit too costly to set up an LLC here in WI so I just got a tax ID number from the state and that works just fine so long as I pay quarterly state taxes. ;)

The thing to be careful with here is as a sole proprietor you have unlimited liability for the business. So if one of your builds catches on fire and burns down your client's house, or if you get in a car wreck delivering a computer or if a client trips on your steps you could be sued for everything you and your wife own. An LLC limits that liability to the LLC's assets (thus the LLC name).

I run my own PC & Repair business. It was a bit too costly to set up an LLC here in WI so I just got a tax ID number from the state and that works just fine so long as I pay quarterly state taxes. ;)

The thing to be careful with here is as a sole proprietor you have unlimited liability for the business. So if one of your builds catches on fire and burns down your client's house, or if you get in a car wreck delivering a computer or if a client trips on your steps you could be sued for everything you and your wife own. An LLC limits that liability to the LLC's assets (thus the LLC name).
I hear you. But in this business, I've acquired a certain set of skills....

I netted $78.90 of the site this year! Probably gonna have to do a guys weekend in Vegas!

$80 would get you about 5 nights at the old Imperial Palace (now called The Quad)...


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