What do PE's do as a second job?

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2008
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I've been contemplating finding something to do on the side or at night to make sure I have some sort of income during this slow period. I'm having trouble finding something that suits my particular set of skills. I can do anything physical, and am not above doing a low level job to help make ends meet, but the thing I keep coming back to is its a shame to do that with the talent/ability/certifications that I have. That sounds very prideful I know, but am I wrong? It seems wrong to be delivering pizzas (or something similar) when I can seal anything mechanical in four states. So I'm curious, what do PE's do on the side? I would love a way to maybe work at home and pull in some dough, but I'm hitting a brick wall.

Since you are a partner in your own firm and things are a little slow right now, if you had the opportunity to do engineering work on the side, why wouldn't you just bring that work in as part of your "day job"?

If you have friends that are realtors you could do home inspections? I think most people would think having a real engineer do a home inspection might be better than some idiot who took a class at the community college.. I think realtors are scum but they have a good internal networking system for friends...The market is at least hot right now..

I worked at Home Depot in college and wouldnt feel bad if times got bad and I had to go back to work there, there are usally many different age groups working there and you can usually get $15/ hour or more walking in the door and the work is sometimes a little rewarding (helping the customers that are not assholes)..

I have thought about putting an ad on cragslist or linked in to do on the side work here in Colorado, contractor shop drawings or something. Id like to get into that market but dont really now the right people.. a friend of mine was out of work as a civil site a few years ago and has fed himself buy posting similar ads on cragislist and such to find enough little work to add up.. seems kind of low brow though..

I also think maybe owning some rental property or some type of franchise is well worth it if you have some start up money...

If it came down to it, I would do woodworking. I can build cabinets, dressers, beds, entertainment centers, desks, etc. I have enough of the tools to get the job done and all I would lose would be a parking space in my garage. One of my architect friends got through his layoff downtime doing the same thing.

My suggestions:

-Look for clients for your business.

-What are your skills? I mean, aside from the ability to seal mechanical drawings and calculations. Are you good with computers? Fast typist? Good editor? Good with tools? Think about that, and if you do need to look for another job try to get one within a field that uses secondary skills heavily (computer repair, transcription, editing, repairman, etc).

-If you can make ends meet with what you have (and do so comfortably), you might consider improving your workflow via revised/simplified design methodology, so that when work does come in you can turn it around faster. You could also consider learning the physical side of ME, if you don't already know it. Design something you can patent.

-Shop drawings for steel fabricators. It's neither sexy or lucrative, but it's work.

If it came down to it, the only jobs I would not take would be in the "adult entertainment" industry or food service. Though frankly if I wasn't working I'd probably be studying or working on improving my workflow, at least until the money almost ran out.

& if any of you are good at marketing I will give yah 20% of any new vendors here!

As a number of you already know, I build and repair PCs/Laptops as my 2nd job. Things really took off this year though so I created a formal label and various pieces of stationary/advertising for the business (didn't go LLC). Website is in development. Things have grown considerably since doing that as I'm also now building server class PCs for clients like John Deere. I also help to manage IT at LadyFox's firm. It certainly wouldn't pay all the bills by itself, but it is certainly some nice extra income that typically allows me to do my upgrades for free. :)

& if any of you are good at marketing I will give yah 20% of any new vendors here!

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Its not really a second job, as the calls are sporadic; but I've done home inspections around town.

In the winter, I run a plow truck for the neighborhood; just enough to cover fuel and minor breakdowns. Have also worked on computer repair / upgrades; drafted patent drawings and worked on steel shops.

So a few different things here and there. None that could really cover the normal expenses on their own though.

you can always go the home party consultant route...scrapbooking, candles, expensive kitchen gadgets, extremely expensive plastic containers, crazy expensive seasonings/mixes, cloth purses...the list is endless

When I have time (which is almost never), I do racecar fabrication work, along with GMAW/GTAW welding. Roll cage installs/upgrades, aluminum welding, etc. I usually just trade the work for things like storage space. I've also made/sold some lamps and yard art type things.

If it came down to it, I would do woodworking. I can build cabinets, dressers, beds, entertainment centers, desks, etc. I have enough of the tools to get the job done and all I would lose would be a parking space in my garage. One of my architect friends got through his layoff downtime doing the same thing.


A former member here delivered pizza. Paging Chucktown...Chucktown?

Minor rant on homeparties- men don't have parties that require their friends to buy things so they can get free stuff...they just have parties. Why do women do this to each other?

Minor rant on homeparties- men don't have parties that require their friends to buy things so they can get free stuff...they just have parties. Why do women do this to each other?

^ what are you talking about?! I totally had a wallet party the other weekend. I had enough orders to get 3, that's right THREE, designer hand-crafted wallets! :w00t:

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Mo' money, mo' problems CSB....It's a hard-knocked life.

My new favorite from my recent party order.


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Boy in those toy parties, they definitly have a reason to "do this to each other" !!!

Do something fun for a 2nd job. I work 40-50 hrs a week in front of this computer so i do fun stuff on side. I do powdercoating, do some wrenching on sleds and powersports. Sometimes Ill take on side work as a mechanic doing brakes etc.

But my largest money making 2nd job is buying and selling antique cars. Gotta have a big yard though. Good thing I do. find the deals that are a sure thing, and make some extra dough. No it wont pay the mortgage, well sometimes it can, but its sporadic, and can let it go if you dont want to do anything. They are all cash deals which helps things. Boy best thing I ever did is buy a car trailer. Its fun to go out and find barn find cars and hear the old timer stories.

PS: I have stayed away from extra engineering work for 2 reasons. A. I am practicing under my employers name and B. I do it all day. why would I want to do more of it. I would just get strung out.


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