What did you give up for the test?

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I missed out on helping my wife out with our newborn son for a couple of months. I'm glad I passed while he was a newborn rather than having to study when he is a little older and needs more attention from daddy. :violin:

I gave up a week of vacation (the week before the exam) and all the money invested in books and registration fees... I don't get a raise but the other senior engineers now have nothing on me since now we are all P.E.'s but I'm still the only one w/ a Ph.D.... so I got some respect in return... :D

I gave up most of what was said above.....and thanks to my in-ability to retain alot of it.........it will continue until October......I keep thinking if I say it enough...it will go away!!!!!


thats a tough schedule, I am hitting the books immediately while I somewhat have an idea about what was on the exam.

Are you AGR?

part of the reason i wanted the FBI job so bad was it would have meant I wouldnt have had to take the PE Exam!

Hats off to all those who have kids and took the frikkin exam! I don't know how you busy did it. Now that exam's out of the way, we can start planning a family...more than me i think my husband was exhausted. Poor thing cleaned the place, took care of everything. I had made our dining table the study area for myself and b'cuz of that my husband coudn't watch any TV in the living area. Those 4 months were torture for both of us and I am so glad its over!

I only gave up my social time in the evening, whether that be with the wife or friends.

After kids, you learn that you can function (although not always that well) without much sleep.

I would start studying about 9PM when the kids went to bed and finish about 11 - 12 midnight. Get up at 6:30 and do it all over again.

Our diningroom table was my crash area as well, but I had to bring in a lamp from the livingroom to get better light.

I also gave up my figure - put on about 15-20 lbs as I sat on my A$$ eating potato chips and drinking 2Ltrs of Mountain Dew. Sea Salt and vinegar, baby, Yeah!


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