Vending Machine Woes

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There was one slot in the vending machine in our department basement that would dispense without putting money in, but it was not usually something most people liked so I don't think many people realized it.

I don't remember what it was, but it was something I would eat.

On the old style machines that dispensed stuff using the bentwire cork screw holders. We found if you leaned the machine forward and shook the heck out of it, it would start dropping random product into the bin below.

If was kind of a crapshoot what you might get, but it was pretty fun. Someone caught on and they started bolting the top o9f the machine to the wall so you couldn't tilt it anymore.

I used to work at a car dealership while in college that had several vending machines scattered around the facility. Because of the foot traffic we got, they were refilled fairly regularly, and with good stuff. I worked in one of the "non-public" areas of the dealership that had its own vending machine, and because I typically worked the closing shifts (closed at 9, but often had to wait for the last minute customers to leave), the 5 or 6 of us in the department would regularly raid the machine. We drilled a small hole into the top of the machine and would feed a straightened metal clothes hanger (with a small hook on one end) in and pull out whatever we wanted. Some nights we would absolutely clean it out, others we would only take 1 or 2 things. This went on for several months, until they installed video cameras all over the building (including one pointed at the frequently raided machine).

They never did catch who did it. Good times.

In college there was a Galaga video game in the bar on campus. If you bent a paperclip just right, you could put it up through the coin return and snag the little lever that triggered a credit when a quarter hit it. One friend of ours was really good at it and would rack up a couple hundred credits so everyone could play free for a couple days.

so how may of you guys actually read/remember the Andy Capp comic? I think it's till around, but it got dropped from the main Boston papers quite a few years ago.

so how may of you guys actually read/remember the Andy Capp comic? I think it's till around, but it got dropped from the main Boston papers quite a few years ago.

A little cartoon domestic violence never hurt anyone.

In college I had a class on Saturdays. That weekend was a long week-end but I did not have enough money to go home. Looks like the truck driver reloaded the drink machines earlier that week and for some reason he did not close the one near us right. That machine was in the engineering building first floor, a not too popular area since was mostly labs and maintenance rooms.

We were about 14 and each one of us had free drinks and some more. Since I was staying in the dorms took a extra drinks with me but someone said...What about the money? I took the next bus available that Saturday because the $5.50 that was my cut complemented the cost of the ticket. Not sure how many of us participated on the rampage. I am not proud of it but in my defense, was desperate, young and stupid. Still dealing with the stupid part since am not young anymore.

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