USACE Engineer in Louisville, KY

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Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Cincinnati...just Cincinnati!
They've listed my old position.

It looks like the Corps of Engineers has listed my old Louisville position. As I posted in Shoot the Breeze, I'm taking a deployable position that will have me moving back to Cincinnati with a promotion to GS-12. I can tell you this is a very interesting position with plenty of opportunity for overtime and travel (although not to the most glamorous of locals) which means plenty of per diem. The work is great assuming you enjoy working outside in a construction type atmosphere and crawling all over locks and dams...those with a fear of heights, i.e. riding 60-80 in the air in manlifts and crane baskets, need not apply. This announcement shows one available spot, but there are actually two spots available.

DON'T LET THE CIVIL/STRUCTURAL DESCRIPTION DETER YOU!!! I am civil with no real structural and a couple of the guys here are mechanical.

If you want any more info on the job, working here in Louisville, or need any help getting your info submitted to CPOL (you need to apply through, job) just let me know. The closing date is Feb. 5th but if you don't already have a resume in the CPOL database it takes a day or two for it to get in their system.
