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As for the Hostess people...They took der jerbs! Kidding aside, that's a lot of people out of work. If some of these brands do stay afloat, it will probably get farmed out to India and renamed as Twincurries.


I would like to offer my congrats to the Unions for taking down another American company.

It's days like this where I thank my lucky stars that I live in a Right to Work State.
What he said. The rest of the employees agreed to the conditions (pay cut, decreased benefits), but the bakers said no. Seriously, what was so horrible about a pay cut? Last raise here was in 2008 and we've had our healthcare go up every year, with no corresponding match. It's not like they were striking against unsafe working conditions. If I was part of the other group, I'd show them exactly how a twinkie gets filled.
What, so only inept CEOs & NAFTA can kill a company / workforce? These people likely had no choice as to being in the union, probably had to pay $25+/ paycheck for that "priviledge", yet accept pay cuts & reduced benefits to keep mediocre jobs?! I don't see how they really had any other choice - more power to right to workers for gleefully dropping trou & taking that proverbial shafting, Hostess et al will probably just move ops to Mexico or Canada anyways, if that wasnt already in the works

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Oh, and I've seen a moldy twinkie.
I don't believe you. After how many years? In or out of the packaging? What kind of security clearance do you have?

to answer you last question, probably one of these :
(Sorry, I just couldn't help myself! VT has tainted the way I think...)

well this might be good news. Pabst Blue Ribbon is considering putting in a bid for Twinkies - the possibilities would be endless

Okay, the Twinkies was purchased from the outlet store and was within a month of purchase. I bit into it and discovered an odd state and saw the mold. I then went to the box and saw all of them were moldy. I should have taken a picture, but I never knew Hostess would go tits up.
