top 100 toys of all time

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Really? Bratz dolls? And no erector set?

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No wooden block? No Tinkertoys? No Lincoln Logs?

Not even a Girder Panel Building set!

Kind of disappointing that one of the most influential toys just inspires girls to dress like whores.

No wooden block? No Tinkertoys? No Lincoln Logs?
Not even a Girder Panel Building set!
I had all of these. Wooden locks, tinkertoys, lincoln logs, and yes, even the Girder & Panel Airport set. I also had an erector set.

Stompers was another favorite toy of mine. Anyone remember those? When they broke (which inevitably they would), I took them apart for the motors. I was a mini-EE back then even...

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No wooden block? No Tinkertoys? No Lincoln Logs?
Not even a Girder Panel Building set!
I had all of these. Wooden locks, tinkertoys, lincoln logs, and yes, even the Girder & Panel Airport set. I also had an erector set.

Stompers was another favorite toy of mine. Anyone remember those? When they broke (which inevitably they would), I took them apart for the motors. I was a mini-EE back then even...
I used to hot rod those things. I had a couple 12-volt motors out of another toy that would fit right in there. Had to power it with two lantern batteries but it was fast as hell until it hit the end of the wire.

Does anyone remember the plastic girder set thingy, where a drill with a plastic tip created friction that melted the plastic and welded the girders together? That thing was awesome. I still wince when I think of the plastic burns I got, but dang could I weld some cool shiitake.

I guess I was also overestimating the popularity of Ringamajigs. I loved those things! I used to build towers for my Ninja Turtles to jump off of.

I used to build awesom towers with my Little Golden Books. Open two up two 90 degrees and place them upright, then place another LGB on top flat. repeat as many stories as you can. I once got 14 stories. Yeah, i had a lot of LGBs.

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its amazing how much variation there are to the little golden books nowadays. The old school cardboard cover and golden sticker binding for 1.99-2.99, then you have the full fledge hard cover book no gold binding from places like borders or barnes and noble for 6.99 to 7.99 for the same story. how they can call them little golden books when they aren't little or golden is beyond me

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No wooden block? No Tinkertoys? No Lincoln Logs?
Not even a Girder Panel Building set!
I had all of these. Wooden locks, tinkertoys, lincoln logs, and yes, even the Girder & Panel Airport set. I also had an erector set.

Stompers was another favorite toy of mine. Anyone remember those? When they broke (which inevitably they would), I took them apart for the motors. I was a mini-EE back then even...
Stompers were great! I keep one in my workshop. have used it to snake string through air ducts to attach to a rope to run a cleaning rag through it. It came in handy when I ran speaker wire over my insulation in my attic too, just kept tension on the string and plodded along through the trusses.

We still have two Stompers that work!

I remember wanting a Teddy Ruxpin for the sole reason of I wanted to put a Michael Jackson tape in it and see what he would do.
