top 100 toys of all time

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I remember wanting a Teddy Ruxpin for the sole reason of I wanted to put a Michael Jackson tape in it and see what he would do.
Want me to find out for you? I have Teddy Ruxpin at my parents' house. However, I don't have any MJ tapes. I do have Metallica, though.

great link

I found it interesting that most of the toys I enjoyed the most were created decades before I received them.


Army Men

Little Golden Books

Water Balloons and Silly Puddy

Tonka Trucks


Hot Wheels

Slip and SLide


In fact in the 80's (my era) the only new toy that made the list which I also liked was the Transformers.

great link
I found it interesting that most of the toys I enjoyed the most were created decades before I received them.


Army Men

Little Golden Books

Water Balloons and Silly Puddy

Tonka Trucks


Hot Wheels

Slip and SLide


In fact in the 80's (my era) the only new toy that made the list which I also liked was the Transformers.
same here on when the one we had the most of were created.

62 of the 100 were found in our house growing up

Stompers was another favorite toy of mine. Anyone remember those? When they broke (which inevitably they would), I took them apart for the motors. I was a mini-EE back then even...
QUOTE (cableguy @ Feb 16 2011, 06:55 PM)

Stompers was another favorite toy of mine. Anyone remember those? When they broke (which inevitably they would), I took them apart for the motors. I was a mini-EE back then even...

Stompers were great! I keep one in my workshop. have used it to snake string through air ducts to attach to a rope to run a cleaning rag through it. It came in handy when I ran speaker wire over my insulation in my attic too, just kept tension on the string and plodded along through the trusses.
These were great! I had some and used to swap parts around. I probably still have some of those little motors in a box somewhere.

I used to run lead wires to the bottom battery terminals, and wire multiple batteries in series, duct tape them to the roof of the stomper, and they would kick major ass.

I guess I was an engineer in the making at 10 years old

I used to run lead wires to the bottom battery terminals, and wire multiple batteries in series, duct tape them to the roof of the stomper, and they would kick major ass.

I guess I was an engineer in the making at 10 years old
We used to build little trailers for ours that would carry a 9-volt battery to power the Stomper.

I filled a flexible-flyer wagon with truck batteries and wired it to the Stomper. It couldn't pull the wagon but the spinning wheels burned a hole through the floor.

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