To those of you who passed...

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How did you think your results would turn out before you received them?

  • I was confident that I had passed

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  • I was cautiously optimistic

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  • It could go either way (I had no f#%king clue)

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  • I was hopefully pessimistic

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  • I could have sworn that I had failed

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Speaking of WKRP....was I the only one that thought Bailey Quarters (Jan Smithers) was hotter than Jennifer Marlowe (Loni Anderson) on the show? :jacked:
Yeah, but she didn't have a poster like Loni did.....


I got out early on both the morning and afternoon sessions. Felt like it was easy during morning and had made plenty for breathing room in Afternoon. Morning portion had two questions that were so absurdly easy that I thought they must have been trick questions. Lost a couple of seconds looking for the trick.


Had to fix a spelling obsurd.

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I got out early on both the morning and afternoon sessions. Felt like it was easy during morning and had made plenty for breathing room in Afternoon. Morning portion had two questions that were so absurdly easy that I thought they must have been trick questions. Lost a couple of seconds looking for the trick.

Had to fix a spelling obsurd.
What about when you took it before? How confident were you then?

I walked out of the morning session feeling great!!!! Walked out of the afternoon thinking I was probably a little better than border line. Part of that was due to being exhausted after 8 hours of testing. :true:

First time I did pretty well in the morning, but used up all the time. Didn't feel as well as I would have liked.

Afternoon, first time, I had only had the 10th CERM for 1 day (didn't know where things were), brought too many books that I didn't know where things were in them (good books, but I needed to know where to look...lack of preparation on my part). Felt that the afternoon was more difficult and had real bad time management (had to literally guess on 5 problems and, when looking at two of them that I had to guess on, I felt horrible since I knew I could do those problems but ran out of time). Had to use the restroom twice in the afternoon (don't eat much of anything that will send you to the restroom...basically wasted time).

I thought I might have passed it with some help from the guesses, but only got around 47 out of 80, with most of the missed in the afternoon (27 correct in morning and only 20 in afternoon). Strangely enough, I got all the WR right in the morning, but did horrible in the afternoon on the three subcategories of WR (hydraulics, hydrology and WT) and did fine on enviro (my weakest) and geo.

Boils down to a lack of preparation, pride, ego, etc.

I was very much more prepared in Oct. Had six months to familiarize myself with the CERM and to study all the resources. Made outline type links to where information was so I wouldn't waste time. Had props for my books. Only brought the CERM, all six min sols, essential equations for the HP 33s, two HP33s calculators, another TI calculator, small snacks, etc.

Got enough sleep the night before the exam (although the wife argued with me the night before the exam :eek:ld timer: ). Went in much more confident, but more realistically confident with the preparation.

Now have a decent library of resources and a plethora of links to informative sites on the web.

Hope this helps.


I felt like I might have gotten all the morning questions correct (36 confirmed correct walking out of the exam with 2 additional later confirmed correct).? Afternoon, I was only able to confirm 25 correct with 1 additional cofirmed correct and 1 that was not cofirmed was confirmed incorrect.
I was never able to confirm any of my answers wrong or right, but I was pretty confident on all but 5 of the morning questions and 12 in the afternoon. (78% raw) Figure, out of the 17 left, statistically, I should get 4 right by luck (up to 84% now!), but of the 63 I thought I knew, my practice test experience showed me I'd have made some dumb mistakes on about 1/4 of them, which could put me right back at the cut line ;)

Really, the test kicked my ass, especially the afternoon session. I went in expecting the NCEES practice exam, and instead got a ton of questions outside of my niche I had NO clue on and had to teach myself from scratch from my reference books. Some I was able to figure out, others I was clueless, but I finished way early on both sections on the ones I knew, had plenty of time to waste, and used every second of it crunching the rest.

Everyone says they left confident and started doubting more and more as time went on, but I found the opposite- I was doubting myself so much at first, but got more and more confident as time went on. I had a small bit of doubt, but I was pretty confident I had passed. In the end, I passed, so that's good!


I took the FE in April, and was astonished to have gotten my actual scaled score with my congratulatory letter- an 89. I walked into the FE overprepared, hoping to pass- 5 minutes into it, pleasantly surprised at how much easier the questions were than the study questions I'd sweated bullets over, I was hoping not to pass, but for a 99th percentile score I could show off at work, lol... I had no doubts at all about passing the FE.

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Now that we have started to get the results in, I am curious as to how those of you that passed felt during the painful wait between taking the exam and receiving your results.
When I took the PE Electrical test in October 2006, it was my first time and I felt very confident in the morning session. In fact I completed half of the test in the first 45 minutes of the test. I had answered an additional 15 of the problems from recalling reference materials and I guessed 5 of them. Thus I estimated that I got approximately 88% of the problems in the morning section correct.

In the afternoon I took the Electronics, Controls, and Communications depth module. I found to use the whole time after that. There were about 15 problems that I got off the back. There were a few problems that threw me completely (those I just guessed). And there were those that I were confused on, but later when I re-read them I understood the question and/or knew where to find it in the reference book. There were also ones that I got but spent some time on but realized that my mistake was that I left a term out and when I redone the problem, I was able to make up some time.

At the end of the test initially I felt like :0fail . In fact, I snapped at close friends and family trying to be supportive. I wasn't trying to be difficult it was just I was stressed and uncertain at the time. But later after calming down and thinking about the test I became more optimistic that either I passed or at the very least that I knew what area to focus on more (which would've been Communications).

In fact, before my friend GeoTechPE informed me that I passed I picked up a Schaums Outline in Communication Systems at the bookstore. :true:

I am so glad that :pass and that I don't have to take the test again!!! :claps: B)

Considering that:

1. I didn't study as much as I should

2. I had diarrhea the night before the test

3. Didn't sleep at all because of # 2

4. Guessed a lot during the test

I was 95% sure that I flunked the test. But somehow I passed. How? I have no idea!

Too bad there's no score on the letter.

With 80 questions on the Chemical Exam I barely knew my name after the test....Had about 12 problems that I didn't know and guessed. Ended up with a 78 score, Texas said passing was 70.

Can we guess how many questions were dropped from the exam?

I certainly didn't think I got that high of a score when my 3 practice exam scores were 51%, 60% & 70%.
