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Resident Sweet Cheeks
Apr 30, 2008
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somewhere between a rock and a hard place...
The Air Force spent about $1.6 billion to purchase the 21 aircraft. Soon after the first C-27Js arrived in Afghanistan in 2011 to start resupplying deployed Army units, the Air Force said it could no longer afford the luxury of the aircraft.

The C-27J found itself in the middle of the debate between the Air Force active duty and the Air National Guard. Guard officials said the Air Force leadership was unfairly hacking away at the Guard’s budget in order to save the active duty. The C-27J fleet was a shining example the Guard used.

Air Force leaders justified scrapping the C-27J saying the C-130 could complete most of the missions, and it could do it cheaper.

Air Force officials had argued the sustainment costs were too expensive to keep the C-27J when compared to the C-130. Former Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz told Congress in 2012 it cost $9,000 per hour to fly the C-27J and $10,400 to fly the C-130. Even though the C-130 was slightly higher per hour, the C-130 is well established within the fleet and the Air Force couldn’t afford to introduce and sustain the C-27J.


Yet another example of an aircraft project that is unneeded and wasteful. (I'm looking at you Osprey and Lightning II)

Article says they're sending them to the Davis-Monthan boneyard. The Pima Air Museum offers a bus tour of the Davis-Monthan boneyard that I've been wanting to do for a few years--maybe I'll do that when I'm out there next February. It's pretty cool just driving by to see the seemingly endless rows of planes just from the road.

I wonder if that's the same boneyard from the Patrick Dempsey movie. "Can't buy me love"?

Lockheed - Martin is just as much as a welfare queen as every baby momma out there....

thats the price you pay for "the coalition of Iraqi Freedom" you dont think those countries send soldiers and not expect something out of it do you?
