The price of a PE license prep board

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Sapper PE LS

Aspiring Couch Potato
Apr 25, 2006
Reaction score
Near Alpha Centauri Relatively Speaking
As of yesterday, the cost to run this place has doubled. The amount of traffic that has been on the board the past two weeks just pushed Engineer Boards into the next pricing bracket and that value is close to $400 per month. It was close to $200 per month just a week ago. There are some other expenses as well. Road Guy (Mike) has been paying out of pocket a few hundred dollars per year to keep this board afloat, now we're basically asking him to pay a few thousand dollars a year out of pocket. Keep that in mind. He has a family too.

Options are:

1. Charge membership fees

2. Charge more for advertisement

3. Sell the board

4. Close it down

5. Rely on donations

If you spent thousands on exam fees, books, prep courses, and hotel rooms for your license, perhaps you can swing a $10 donation for the man who isn't profiting at all on your licensure quest.

And by the way, all of us admins / moderators are unpaid.

Donation will be on its way after I receive results. I am a Grumpy Gus until I get my results from IN. I will donate regardless of results, but will with-hold until I actually get them. I am especially angered that some from IN have results while others don't, and that it is on the map without me getting results.

A $5 - $10 annual membership fee wouldn't be a bad idea. It is just the cost of one sandwich and soda. It is definitely a lot less than one would pay to a shrink to rant and rave about everything that's wrong with your engineering life or the cost of a monthly Netflix subscription which doesn't even have engineering humor.

My donation will be in after the results too. I will feel better if I pass (fingers crossed).

I didn't use anything on the boards while prepping for my PE, but I started coming here after the exam while anxiously waiting my results. This place is badass and I enjoy it a lot. I'll be sending in a donation here soon.

I don't know, to be honest if I had to pay a membership fee just to post I probably wouldn't have signed up in the first place. In hindsight it would've been worth every penny, but just stumbling here for the first time it's hard to fully appreciate how valuable this board is.

Just my noob opinion, but I'd like to see the board remain free so the people that need it most don't have any barriers to posting, yet once they're newly minted PEs I'd hope they step up and donate to keep it running for the next group. I think peer pressuring those who pass is the way to go; if we all chip in, then hopefully it can remain free for the newbies.

I agree. While skyrocketing costs may eventually force a membership fee, I think it would drive away a lot of potential members. Just this PE cycle we've seen an influx of new members who came around to fret and worry with the rest of us. As we can see, quite a few of them (myself included) became supporting members in thanks for the advice and camaraderie. It appears, without knowing the inside details, that the process works fine as is.

And now at the end of the rant, if you passed the PE, click that Donate button!

I agree with Ram and FSU. It's a tough sell to convince someone who just found out that the test and study materials is about to bankrupt them.

Hopefully, enough people cough up some money to keep it free w/o Road Guy footing any of the bill.

Trust me, no one here wants to force a membership fee on any member of this board. Sap just laid out the reality we are facing here as a community.

Another option for members to "donate" to the site without feeling forced is to use the Amazon link at the top of the pages. They typically give a few % on each purchase.

Another option for members to "donate" to the site without feeling forced is to use the Amazon link at the top of the pages. They typically give a few % on each purchase.
That I didn't know. I'll have to use that link then; you told me just in time for Christmas shopping!

I don't know, to be honest if I had to pay a membership fee just to post I probably wouldn't have signed up in the first place. In hindsight it would've been worth every penny, but just stumbling here for the first time it's hard to fully appreciate how valuable this board is.

Just my noob opinion, but I'd like to see the board remain free so the people that need it most don't have any barriers to posting, yet once they're newly minted PEs I'd hope they step up and donate to keep it running for the next group. I think peer pressuring those who pass is the way to go; if we all chip in, then hopefully it can remain free for the newbies.
^^^^ THIS ^^^^

Similar model to ASCE memberships where the student member pays a tenth of the cost of a professional member (Read P.E.'s)

Here is my idea. Clicking on Amazon ad on this board before we shop on Amazon is a great way to help. My husband used to make a few of his own and was able to bring home hundreds of dollars for a few months. But then more people begin to post ads of Amazon on the same forum and the competition started so he stopped. I believe most of us on this board shop on Amazon frequently. Just come here before you start shopping. I think it will help a lot.

Maybe keep the rest of the board free but the helps or advices side of the board required membership


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