sycamore PE
Argh I can get nothing done today
Didn't you just have a company BBQ last week?company potluck for lunch. ate too much food. slowly fading to sleep...
No kidding! My thoughts exactly.Didn't you just have a company BBQ last week?company potluck for lunch. ate too much food. slowly fading to sleep...
Sounds about the same for Wisconsin when talking about tail-gating. LOLWhen it comes to construction, we love eating and will organize events to celebrate just about anything we can...
Some times yes. In addition to the transportation to get there.Yes, but do the Packers pay for it?
That's the first I have ever seen the use of the word "mamming". LOL. I love it!I just wore my breasts today. I've been mamming everywhere.
You should never wish a day away. It is a legitimate part of life and deserves a chance just like any other day.wishing it was friday...