sycamore PE
TLI think the next one will be like a true 10k, except I won't use 10k, because that would be insane. Maybe do a 500 post dash or 1000 post dash. Everybody starts the game by registering their post count at the beginning of the game, then when the game starts, everybody posts as fast and furious as they can until they reach that 500 post or 1000 post mark. Whoever gets to it first wins, could be a second place and a third place as well. There would have to be rules for post length, but the no double posting rule would obviously be done away with. But see, its a marathon really. Can't probably be done in one sitting because well lets face it we all have jobs and families, so you have to aggressively tackle it when you can. I could see it being the revival we're looking for of this 10k madness.