blybrook PE
Veteran 10k Spammer
Yep. Was in Fbx, now in Anch. In some ways, I prefer Fbx. Better winters (drier).blybrook, you in AK? me to!
Yep. Was in Fbx, now in Anch. In some ways, I prefer Fbx. Better winters (drier).blybrook, you in AK? me to!
My kid, too.My kids actually thought it was still the weekend yesterday morning because it was light outside when they woke up. They thought it was just another lazy, sleep-in weekend morning.The time change is making me ridiculously well rested and early for work.
Same here x2. I just spent the last 30 mins with my 2 yr old asleep on my chest.My kid has got a fever and a cold.
Mine is also a 2 yr old. I knew he was coming down with something when I got him up this morning and he was soaked in pee . . . he's really close to potty training and is usually dry in the mornings, except when he's sick. Then its like he wakes up soaked in his body weight in urine. . .Same here x2. I just spent the last 30 mins with my 2 yr old asleep on my chest.My kid has got a fever and a cold.
Well, Lil Sapling seems to have bounced back already. No fever this morning and full of energy.