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Well, we are sort of sisters. YO, eg, you out there???


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I would think you need to hit the hard liquor to discuss that. LOL

Could be worse, you could be a Giants fan....LMAO

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Who would think that wine and Oreos go together?
Now you sound like EG....LOL

well then, sorry I missed last night, it was sort of the kind of day I wanted to get drunk but the stress of it all just put us into bed at 8:30. The hubby had to go to work to put on a dog and pony show for the boy scouts (which I am not going to complain about because this is a very valid reason for him to work on a Saturday) and I decided to just rip up some carpet today. I am however getting drunk watching the Crimson Tide wash over Mizzo and then will proceed to be a Ga Tech and Badger Fan (HA HA KF!)

Catch ya laterz!

LOL at "ripping up some carpet".......

Actually I dranka lot of beer and steamed some carpet today. Woke up from a nap, time for a beer, and then hit the rack.

Working remotely this week. Local bar had karaoke and free bacon. They literally brought out baskets of bacon. I had none since they didn't offer the turkey variety.
