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Furniture buning! Dat how we do in the pole! Blu Bly may know how nor Poole elmes !

Hey reengineer girl we talk about xfit when? Later. Or now. Not die we could make Ny seance if me rambling We talk lots onnorofmaig I dolor song of power lifting now hit do some crossfit for conditioning. Trying g for a 600 lb dead and 500 squat.

Everyone needs to move to west coast. It best boast if yo hasn't noticed ! Suck it rightuies.

My wife not know how to fern car. Glad she or a engineer. She no know bout dis censored. Site

Not even Bly here. And we live in same state. Bit yet he know every oneob I know bit we not k kw each other.

Suck rut everyone I. Bef. Or you peassdfrd ' out? Tbe Yahtzee legit.

Now out. Jane fun reading tj of in the morning when u sober. Wooly our giood night spungfield!
