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Somebody call the baby sitter because these kids look too young to be in a bar.


We took a lot of pictures of coyote or mountain lion poop with our backpacking trip last weekend. We wanted to have some evidence in our camera in case we were eaten in the middle the night by the Mountain lion
flawed plan. The mountain lion would have to eat you first to have evidence in its poop.

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If'n I was Queen for a Day and making up the rules here, I'd add: "No corrections provided even if autocorrect is to blame!" it's more fun trying to guess what the hell was meant.

Amazing how after a day of yard work an consuming berry after veer that yoi slowly get drinmmj then bbqribs

Putting together playlist for a coworker's retirement party tomorrow. Mr. YMZ doesn't believe me when I say I don't want to play any Nicky Minaj songs because every sinle one of them is about smacking bitched in the face with her d~!ck.

I am going to have to listen to nicki. Neb er he listen specifically prob heard before but didn't no was niki.

If'n I was Queen for a Day and making up the rules here, I'd add: "No corrections provided even if autocorrect is to blame!" it's more fun trying to guess what the hell was meant.
Yes snoopy that I'd moar fun figuring it out. Epescialky if I trying to Fairfield out what I wrote the night before. GONAVY!
