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Yay in jot alone! How y get office margaritas? We not even loud to have rum cake.

Tapped new porter at the hoodoo brewery tonight. Couple of pints with the crew from work. Nice to converse outside of the office. Got a growler filled. Continue tid party at home!

I b feelin da hard cider from Silver Gulch tonite! Long drive back south tmrw, had to enjoy it while in town

Firat: yes I'm pretty drunk. Second Thank you Google for auto correct because I don't seem a selfie drunk as I am. Third a bottle of patron did this. Forth Thank you eb for everything. Fifth I'm ready to pass out.

when I drink and end up drunk

I find my computer and start to post

I post when I'm drunk on EB

when my drink is drained and I need more

I think of when I was sober enough to make a better one

then I try to be a bartender and am thankful for pour tops

and I count my blessings

yeah, I am so going to fall asleep counting my blessings lmao but I still want the fireplace in that inn...I know excatlcy what I'm gonna dream about

I'm wondering if army is every goann show up to play the army navy game. 12 Ina row GONAVY!
