I have a 'rolla. These two jobs are thuper thimple!Guys. Serious question (since I never do car stuff): how hard is it to replace an engine filter/cabin filter on a Corolla?
It's funny you mention that. I'm taking my 2016 Elantra in for service. I used to do a lot of my own stuff but as I get older (read lazier) I pay people to do it. The only things that says "replace" instead of "inspect" for the 15,000 mile service is the oil/filter and the cabin filter. I had the oil changed at the tire dealer when they mounted my snow tires and figured I'd have the dealer do the recommended service tomorrow when I take them off. I just youtubed the cabin filter on my car and it's literally a 5 minute job that doesn't require any tools. Same as the air filter. I'm not going to have the dealer do it. I suspect a newer corolla will be just as easy. @JayKay0914you can do it piece o' cake.Guys. Serious question (since I never do car stuff): how hard is it to replace an engine filter/cabin filter on a Corolla? The dealership tried to get me to do it today for $106+ and I felt like that was ridiculously high? I looked at some videos, but the guys who do that stuff on youtube know what they're doing and thus it always looks easy...I'm thinking of maybe attempting the replacement of the filters this weekend?
@JayKay0914just another shout out for the timely post regarding the filter replacement question. you prompted me to not be lazy and take a look at it. Had oil changed at dealer and for their "multi-point inspection" the two things needing "immediate attention" were the air filter and the cabin filter. I expected as much as recommended maintenance said to replace. There charge for the service was $22 for air filter and $77 for cabin filter , so $100. I told them not to bother. I was having some difficulty locating the exact part numbers so I just went out and physically checked them by removing the filters and reading the numbers off the parts (or in other words physically doing the work involved to change them). Literally less than 10 minutes with no tools. Ordered filters on Amazon. OEM Hyundai air filter $12.88, aftermarket cheapo cabin filter $11.78 with tax and free shipping $25.40 for both and will be delivered on Friday. I'm pretty stoked.It's funny you mention that. I'm taking my 2016 Elantra in for service. I used to do a lot of my own stuff but as I get older (read lazier) I pay people to do it. The only things that says "replace" instead of "inspect" for the 15,000 mile service is the oil/filter and the cabin filter. I had the oil changed at the tire dealer when they mounted my snow tires and figured I'd have the dealer do the recommended service tomorrow when I take them off. I just youtubed the cabin filter on my car and it's literally a 5 minute job that doesn't require any tools. Same as the air filter. I'm not going to have the dealer do it. I suspect a newer corolla will be just as easy. @JayKay0914you can do it piece o' cake.
@JayKay0914 air filter is easier than the cabin filter as it's right on top and easily accessible. I don't want to read about any accidents.@Road Guy Ah! I def understand! Yeah, the corolla seats go back pretty far, and since it can be shifted up/down and angled, he has enough space to spread his legs and still have my purse next to him.
@MA_PEYay! Timely reminder for the win! I ordered mine online, going off of the Amazon/Autozone suggestions for what fits. I'm lucky because most things that fit one Toyota fit another, so I'm like 99% sure what I ordered will be fine/won't be too difficult to install? The cabin filter is the one I know I can install! Just pop off the glove box and for Toyota's it's right there/no real removal needed. I'm worried about the air filter just because...well. It requires going under the hood. And last time I talked about going under the hood I got in my accident, lol. XD
This one time, @DVINNY wen to Big Lots...@JayKay0914 air filter is easier than the cabin filter as it's right on top and easily accessible. I don't want to read about any accidents.