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it's because he scoots.

that reminds me, I need to get the dogs groomed before the scooting starts up.

does you dog do the poop scoot?

Not usually. All I know is that I was getting ready for my meeting and my wife called and said there was approximately 23 gallons of diarrhea all over our carpet. I asked her if a guy named Fudgey had been over but she didn't get it. So....long story short, she cleaned the bulk of it up by diluting it with water and cleaning solution and using the shop vac to suck up the slurry. I rented a carpet cleaner on the way home to clean the carpet extra good.

ohhhh....... nooooooooo........ I MUST RESIST THE 3K THREAD..........

EDIT: PLEASE.... somebody post. I need to feed my addiction.

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Resistance is futile dear Rudy!

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Thank you csb! It's been busy at home and work. Right after holidays, everyone's birthdays begins. Swammped at work covering new projects.

Oh, by the way, thank you csb for your comment on my profile... it's the first one.... kewl.

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