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yeah we still have a few of them around. I can't stand the smell of them...something about the food place they all have that just reeks

Martha Stewart had some towels and bed sets. Jacklyn Smith also had clothing there too.

yeah we still have a few of them around. I can't stand the smell of them...something about the food place they all have that just reeks
Kmart? Or JR's workplace?

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i bought some flats there. in fact, 3 pairs. they had them on sale. $5 a pair i think it was. i still have them.

I assume when you say flats you mean shoes and not apartments in England. I know the pound has taken a real dive lately, but if you can buy a place for $5 that would be pretty amazing

Son of a....

...I'm upset that all the Kmarts around here closed. :(

yes. :) don't worry. sounds like it's too cold for anyone to dare find it.

the kmart we used to have here was always in disarray. i don't know if it was just the customers that were rude by leaving stuff lying around. or if the workers just didn't clean.

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