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I've never spent that much on shoes.

I agree, I've never spent that much on shoes, but I have on a purse. I can't help if the handbags that I like happen to cost a lot of money . . .

Well there's a happy thought. Chuck, you just bought the shoes you're going to die in. :p

I too am going to fight the good fight. We need approximately 550 posts per day to reach 3000, so if we get 10 people to post 55 times per day, we could get some serious post count padding going. Even one hour of one post per minute would do the job. I'm hoping I break 1000 due to this challenge. I am in meetings for most of the day today (including lunch) but I've blocked out my evening to post away. Hopefully others will be online to help out . . .

I too am going to fight the good fight. We need approximately 550 posts per day to reach 3000, so if we get 10 people to post 55 times per day, we could get some serious post count padding going. Even one hour of one post per minute would do the job. I'm hoping I break 1000 due to this challenge. I am in meetings for most of the day today (including lunch) but I've blocked out my evening to post away. Hopefully others will be online to help out . . .
welcome to the spam fest!

I too am going to fight the good fight. We need approximately 550 posts per day to reach 3000, so if we get 10 people to post 55 times per day, we could get some serious post count padding going. Even one hour of one post per minute would do the job. I'm hoping I break 1000 due to this challenge. I am in meetings for most of the day today (including lunch) but I've blocked out my evening to post away. Hopefully others will be online to help out . . .

Those are good goals klk.

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