The 2014 Garden Thread

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Jedi MASTER & Friend of Capt. Solo
Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
Brew City!
So I'm trying to think warm thoughts here and look toward Spring/Summer. I'm actually considering trying to set up a couple small garden planters in the yard. Something that doesn't take a huge amount of time either but that would still be fun to tend to and get some yield from. Something a bit like this:


Looking to get some feedback on what others may have done and what worked and didn't work. Wouldn't mind hearing what you intend to plant this year either to get some ideas on that as well. And not sure if I will build the planters or try to find a place to buy them either. Now c'mon Spring, hurry up and get here! :)

I got some free tomato seeds this year. Probably add peppers, cukes, and herbs to the mix.

What I learned from last not grow corn in raised beds.

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I need to start planning, buying, and starting my seeds indoors. The garden is the best way to get my daughter eating vegetables. Nothing like green beans right from the plant.

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I need to buy the lumber to build the raised bed this year, but the work hours and weather swings keep making me postpone. Going to make the center section taller than the sides, and will split up the rest. Need tomatoes in there for sure, would like to do herbs and hot peppers. The rest it up in the air, but it does get some shade since its proximity is reasonably close to an adjacent tree.

clover is all I have. with pretty purple flowers.

not going to plant squash again though because of those stupid squash borers.

my yard is usually covered in clover at some parts of the year...

Sidenote: That's the name of one of my cousins kids

Anybody here ever get squash borers? If so, how do you make them go away? I haven't been able to grow squash for two years. A friend of mine said I should just give up because you can't ever get rid of them...

Maybe I'm just promoting Helena chemical ( since my brother works there) but if you have one in your area they might be worth a call. Most people see them as agricultural suppliers but they also handle consumer products. The cool thing is that they see about every possible problem on the farms that they support so they would likely be able to help you with a garden infestation... Typically for less money than your local Home Depot type store.

Our raised beds are working well so far this year. The carrots didn't get spaced far enough apart, so we may end up with one giant carrot growth that is about to get to the point where it'll take on the onions / garlic that are in the same bed.

I built 10 beds similar to the first post. 4' long, 32" wide, 11-1/4" deep with the bottoms 30" off the ground. The size was perfect for fitting through the door of the greenhouse that the previous owners built. Took just under 3 yards of garden soil to fill the beds and other buckets. Too bad none of the beds were put into the greenhouse as it was completely shaded by trees (I'm working on that though, most of the trees have been removed the past 2 weekends).

We used 5 gallon buckets for the corn, tomatoes, raspberries and blueberries (the berries are getting replanted in the yard after the new fence goes in later this year). This permits the ability to move them around if necessary due to weather and they are stable enough to not get easily knocked down.

Strawberries are also in a raised bed of sorts. Built a stand for some rain gutters and planted in the gutters.

Only thing left to really do is finish the automated watering system. I've run all the primary pipe, and some of the secondaries; but with the plants already in place, I can't install the sprinkler system I was intending, so I'm back at the drawing board for using a drip irrigation system and have to get different parts now.

I still haven't even put dirt in my planter beds this year...

I don't know why garlic never crossed my mind. Do want.
