Advanced Member
I'm usually willing to do almost anything, but there are some things I am simply incapable of performing. Like opening beer bottles. Sorry, but that's just not my job.
I review my boss's geotech reports (which are the VERY complicated slope stability sites) for style and common sense, but he does not want to read my phase I's or asbestos reports. Those go to the main office for review!A couple of years ago, my boss got really upset when someone told him "it's not my job". So, at our next staff meeting my boss informed all of us that "it's not my job" will be considered a resignation. He's since calmed down about it, but I understand the frustration.
When I started at this job, the company was very small. So I answered phones, emptied garbage cans, swept the floor, ran out to Costco to get toliet paper or anything else we needed. Now the company is bigger, so I am content with making coffee every morning and answering phones occasionally. On the technical side, I do "review" some phase I and other environmental reports. As a geotech who knows little of environmental, this isn't my job, but I enjoy it and always learn something from it. Keep in mind that I'm not the only person reviewing these reports and it's well known that I read them for style and common sense type errors only.
I confess, I always say "hot water heater". Yes, I am a moron.I don't mind if someone gets asked a question and they don't know the answer. But at least be helpful and tell me who does know the answer. That's one of my biggest pet peeves (probably right after calling a water heater a "hot" water heater). If someone calls me with a question or asks a question in a meeting and I don't know the answer I always say, "I don't know, but I'll find out who does and have them get back to you".
You might want to rethink that. If there is sex semen will be involved, one way or the other. I don't know.OK... I have seen the exception.
I watched ******* 2 (there was NOTHING else on, damn writers strike)... in one of the scenes, they acquire some horse semen, one of the guys drinks it.. ha ha gross whatever. In the outtakes during the credits, Jhonny Knoxville throws the remaning hores semen at one of the other guys and it gets on one of the camera guys. the camera guys comment: I'm not even paid to be on screen"
So, I guess that is about where I draw the line. anything that has to do with semen (horse or otherwise) definately NOT MY JOB!!!
No more spooge talk! And as a mod, this is my job to say this!You might want to rethink that. If there is sex semen will be involved, one way or the other. I don't know.
You might want to rethink that. If there is sex semen will be involved, one way or the other. I don't know.
I don't mind if someone gets asked a question and they don't know the answer. But at least be helpful and tell me who does know the answer. That's one of my biggest pet peeves (probably right after calling a water heater a "hot" water heater). If someone calls me with a question or asks a question in a meeting and I don't know the answer I always say, "I don't know, but I'll find out who does and have them get back to you".
Nice dialogue ...That's as much as I've tried to say "that's not my job"