Teacher vs. Engineer

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Before starting college, I heard that starting salaries are generally proportional to the required level of math and science.

Grade school teachers don't go beyond biology & algebra and their starting salaries suck - sounds about right to me.

No Way I would ever want year round schooling!
last year they did this longer school calendar, with 3- 1 week breaks in between the normal thanksgiving and christmas breaks,

for our family it was terrible.. for teachers and families with a spouse that doesnt work full time it was great, but the vast majority of people I knew hated it..several school board people got voted out of office (by a large margin) based on their support of that alone, the teachers pushed it and I was glad for once that the parents fought back!
The school calendar where I live has 3x 2-week breaks with a 2 month summer and it's a hit here. The kiddos basically go 12 weeks on, 2 weeks off through the year. Their first break is middle of October.

Basically how it was when I went to high school.

I could imagine it sucking for people needing to arrange daycare for 2 weeks multiple times throughout the year

The schools actually offer daycare at the school during the two week breaks (at least the elementary schools). Colorado laws allow kids 12 (6th grade) and up to be home by themselves so it works out.
