Summer Vacation?

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Yesterday is a day I hope to NEVER repeat. I blew in some insulation in the attic. A total of 28 bails of Green Fiber from Lowe's. We started out with 0 to 4 inches of mineral wool that was settled and probably 80 years old. Now we have up to 14 inches (in some places) of cellulose that should settle to about 12 inches. I couldn't access a couple of spots due to the loft restricting access, so I just attached a long pole to the blower hose and extended it as far as possible into the inaccessible areas. Better than nothing. Will have to rake over a few spots to get some bare spots covered, though. The work SUCKED, but, hopefully, it'll be worth it.
That's why I think I'll pay someone to do it.

Last major holiday weekend of the summer, any plans?

I'm taking the Camaro to a big car-club rally on Saturday, and plan on taking my son to the driving range to start teaching him how to play either Sunday or Monday. Monday evening I'll go out to a nice dinner with the family to celebrate my b-day (Tuesday).

Football, "Cars and Coffee" on Sunday, and BBQ on Monday.

And Happy Birthday (on Tuesday). :)

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my sister is coming down for the weekend. She will watch minisnick Sat evening when mr snick and I go out to diner for my bday. Probably will go to grants farm in stl sat or sun too.

Might go to the lake

Probably BBQ with In-laws/My parents

Shopping with the wife for new work clothes

Relaxing and hopefully getting sleep

My sister-in-law and niece came over from Spain for three weeks and we spent a good deal of time carting them around to just about every California tourist attraction. That was my vacation.

It cost a bit because they didn’t want to spend much money, so I bought them admission to a few amusement parks which are a little pricey. Plus, they didn’t want to accept hand-outs, so I had to pretend I had free passes to everything. Still, it was probably cheaper than going someplace ourselves.

We live within walking distance to the beach, and they said they would have been fine just going there most days, but come on. You can’t come to LA for once in your lifetime and not at least check out Disneyland – which turned out to be their favorite thing. I can’t stand it myself, but to each their own.

My wife hadn’t seen her sister in over 10 years, so it was nice.

<-- has never been to Disney land/world although I've been to both LA and Orlando on vacation.

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<-- has never been to Disney land/world although I've been to both LA and Orlando on vacation.
You share my disdain for these places.

Of course, my suspicion is that you are not a 14 year old girl like my niece.

Although I think she preferred Universal Studios and the Santa Monica Pier to Disneyland actually.

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^at 14 yeah she probably liked the others better. Had she been a little younger than disney would have been the best

We're in the process of hunting down a new vacation spot... We were due to go to Cape Hatteras/etc in about a week and a half... looks like they won't be allowing visitors in by then (and most places would be closed anyhow), so we're searching for a beach house elsewhere... we found a few that are still available, just have to find some confidence that the next hurricane doesn't decide to blown that hope all away too... If that happens... I'll probably truck a bunch of sand into my backyard and dream

^at 14 yeah she probably liked the others better. Had she been a little younger than disney would have been the best
Kids that age generally prefer the rides at Magic Mountain or Knott's Berry Farm, but those places are just getting pretty grimy, AFAIC.

I think the place she liked best was Rodeo Drive. Although of course we didn't buy anything.

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Don't get me wrong, I love amusement parks, but I hate having to pay the $$$ that Disney charges. I would rather spend the day riding rollercoasters at a Six Flags (although they're getting just as expensive). The difference is that I don't have to go to Six Flags for 3-4 straight days to see everything, so I only need 1 day of admission.

Plus, I have an amusement park here in Denver. If I'm traveling, I'd rather visit the location specific attractions (beaches, parks, city centers, etc).

"Fish Fry & a Flick" down by Bradford beach at which they are showing Big Lebowski on the the big outdoor screen on Fri. Sister coming over on Sat. for a grill out. Rest of the weekend catching up on yard work and some fierce online gaming. :thumbs:

growing up, our family vacation turned from "go to the beach/see the sites" to "find a coaster park"... Cedar Point is awesome (except for wait times)... I haven't been on a coaster in almost 10 yrs... hopefully mini-OSU grows up to like coasters!

BBQ chickens on the pit at my parents' on Sunday. Looks like Labor day is going to be rainy, but I got brats, hot dogs and hamburgers to grill out.
