study withdrawal!

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too funny! I actually put my books away the monday after the test, mostly because I had to get them out of the car. but my bags of snacks/earplugs/papers are still where I dropped them after getting home.

I'm starting to get back to normal. now I have to work hard at slowing down - I did about 4 months worth of ironing last weekend and the laundry is ready to be put away. I find myself wanting to clean the house like mad but having to remember that I can't do it all in one day! craziness. and watching tv still feels like I'm cheating.

these 12 weeks are pure evil. everyone I tell is flabbergasted that we have to wait so long.

Am I the only one who put their books away and actually uses them??? I don't use all of the books and especially the exam specific books, but I use the steel manual and code books almost daily.

it was a huge relief not to have to study ever again. I remember feeling, so.. what will I do with all this free time?
then I started some website....
Road Guy,

Honored by your presence. Thanks for providing this website. Keeps the anxiety in check when waiting for the results. This web site is a great resource for the PE exams.
