Sometimes you just need to scream!!!

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At least you're not being called, what?, an "Asian prostitute". Was that the terminology used a while back from a not-so-popular person?

That's quite a bit different from Asian prostitute...maybe that's what MS calls me in his head. :D

At least you're not being called, what?, an "Asian prostitute". Was that the terminology used a while back from a not-so-popular person?
^ Why do I not remember this?
Didn't someone call you a tranny when you didn't respond quickly enough to one of his posts?
That's what I was thinking of...
Asian prostitute... tranny... whatever. The point of it all is that no one's calling you a tranny at work.

Goodbye, 15k. You will be missed late at night as I'm forced to post only sporadically in the Drunk Tank, or continue my stream-of-consciousness drunken rambling on people's Facebook walls.

Recent issue we've discovered in our neighborhood that we're not really sure how to deal with: speeding visitors. Our street is more of a loop (as seen in the picture), so we don't get much as far as through traffic. It's mostly just friends, babysitters, delivery drivers, and contractors that are the problem, but these guys absolutely haul ass. Twice within the last few days I've seen cars come flying through so fast that they weren't able to stop in time (both teenage girls) and had to swerve to avoid me as I walked out into the street (I deliberately walked in front of them to slow them down).

I know walking out in front of drivers is not the solution to the problem, but both times I did it was because there were kids playing outside just down the street and I had to make sure the drivers stopped. It's been my experience that cities refuse to install speed bumps (and no one ever really wants them), and these
don't seem to be very effective.

Here is a copy of an email I sent out to several of the other homeowners in an attempt to help;

I've noticed quite a few guests to our neighborhood seem to think our street is a racetrack (especially the younger ones like babysitters and pizza delivery drivers). We all know there are A LOT of kids who play out here at basically any time during the day and we have two blind corners here on the south end. We as parents have been forced to all but jump out into the street to get these guests to slow down to help avoid hitting them. I know it is our responsibility as parents to teach our children the rules of the road for safe play, but many of our kids are still very young and just beginning to learn these rules.
I am considering going to the city council to try to either get the speed limit reduced to 15 mph and/or have "Children at Play" signs posted.

Please help me keep everyone safe and let our friends, family and the neighbors not a part of this group know they need to slow down when driving through here.
I sure could use some help coming up with some ideas on how to deal with this before someone gets hurt. I have already left a voice mail message with the traffic division of the police to see what their ideas are.

Edit: Added pic.


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In our neighborhood around the beginning of the school year, the police put out those electronic signs that tell you how fast you're going. It seemed to help a lot when the signs were out there - maybe people were paranoid their speed was being recorded or the sign was alerting the police, or maybe they simply didn't realize how fast they had been going. Anyway, maybe your town could consider a permanent installation of one of those signs affixed to a pole? I've seen some that aren't much bigger than a regular speed limit sign, so it wouldn't be intrusive.

Install some of those pop up barriers that are rated for stopping a fully-loaded semi moving at 60 mph. There are lots of places that sell them because they are required at every government and military installation in the US. Just install one right in front of your house and put it on remote control. When the moron du jour comes barreling down the street, hit the button and watch the hilarity.
