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May 11, 2006
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Maybe this is just a problem after you hit 50. Does anybody ever Google old roommates and high school associates to find out what they are up to? I do, and at least half a dozen times I find old wastoids and people I helped with math as CEOs of companies pulling down 250K plus. One guy I helped through high school trig is now Director of Neurosurgery at a major university hospital. Another fellow who could have been the lead in "Up in Smoke" was the CFO of a failry well known internet firm. Are these guys just late bloomers?

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^Could be. There are plenty of exceptionally smart and able people who just don't like school and just sort of trudge their way through it, and then ultimately find their place int he real world and excel.

But in my experience, most of the losers from my high school are still losers. I don't really have any similar stories about my classmates. They all pretty much came out the way I expected: The kiss-ass class president is a lobbyist in DC, and the pot-head buddy is still a pot-head.

Ohh this hits a nerve with me. There was girl in 6th grade who made my life miserable at the time. All through middle school she picked on me and treated me like crap. Well Ive held a grudge for all these years until a few months ago when I looked her up. Turns out she went to West Point where she started on the basketball team. She graduated and has done a couple tours in Iraq. Now how am I supposed to continue hating her? All that bundled up rage Ive contained for 15 years has become as flacid as an old man who lost his viagra prescription. I feel truly robbed of my dream of one day seeing her and telling how much of a f*cking b!tch she is.

On a side note my wife tells me she probably picked on me because she liked me

I do secretly check the myspace page of my huge huge huge crush from high school. Shes still amazingly completely hot. Im pretty sure if my wife knew I was checking out her page she wouldnt be very happy. Ive contemplated sending her a message just to say Hi, but its just as tough to talk to her now as it was in high school. Damn Im such a freaking loser.

FW: I suspect the reason your old nemesis has succeeded in her militrary career is because she was and still is a beatch, only now she is channeling her beatchiness for the good of the country. If you told her that she's a beatch now I bet she'd take it as a compliment.

FW: I suspect the reason your old nemesis has succeeded in her militrary career is because she was and still is a beatch, only now she is channeling her beatchiness for the good of the country. If you told her that she's a beatch now I bet she'd take it as a compliment.
Like a wiseman said: "Once a beatch, always a beatch" :true:

so you are recommending calling a person trained in hand to hand combat names? :screwloose:

I got my 10-year HS reunion in a few months, and my wife's is next year. We are both pretty interested in attending for this very reason.

I don't care about the brainiac who went to an Ivy League law school or the stoner who's still a burnout. I want to see the honors student who now flips burgers, the jock who now has a beer belly - you know, the unexpected stuff.

VT I went with my wife to her reunion. We went with a friend of hers and her husband. The other husband and I got drunk as monkeys and had a great time. My wife of course got cornered in several awkward conversations with the burger flippers you mentioned.

The best part of the night was when they handed out the award for "most kids since high school". One chick had apparently has gotten knocked up a bunch of times and racked up a total of 3 abortions, 2 kids given up for adoption and kept 2 more. Well to prevent embarrassing her too much they gave the award to another guy who had 2 kids. Some drunk guy in the back stands up and yells "Hey, what about Whats-her-name, she had 3 kids while we were still in high school". I laughed, my drinking buddy laughed; everyone else just looked uncomfortable.

I quit going to reunions after my 10 year. I don't even know if they had a 20th. Obviously, I'm not very concerned about the whereabouts of my classmates.

...I want to see the honors student who now flips burgers, the jock who now has a beer belly - you know, the unexpected stuff.
You see, for me, that's the stuff I expected. That's why I was so disappointed at my 20th to find that the jocks were all still big, goofy dumb guys who gave each other noogies, and the cheerleaders were all leathery, silicone-enhanced trophy wives. No surprises, no fun.

A guy who cheated and lied his way through college and relied on the work of others is now a CEO. Maybe most CEOs are crooks.

On another note, a college buddy became a doctor... I can't see myself ever becoming a patient of his.

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A guy who cheated and lied his way through college and relied on the work of others is now a CEO. Maybe most CEOs are crooks.
On another note, a college buddy became a doctor... I can't see myself ever becoming a patient of his.
If he was smart enough to decieve so many people for so long he deserves to be a CEO :smileyballs:

I never got my 10 year reunion notice and probably wouldn't have gone anyway, since I had already decided if I couldn't go back with as cool a job as "Hitman for the CIA", like John Cusack in that Pointe Blank movie, that it just wasn't worth going back for. Besides, I didn't like those people much anyway and never really felt like I fit in.

Then for my 20th, they found me and I decided to go. Great idea and good fun!

My high school was pretty clique-ey. All the out-of-clique hot chicks showed up to show their hotness - especially the plain ones that grew hot later. Most of the former in-clique hot chicks did not show up which leads me to the comfortable conclusion that they are no longer hot. Most everybody else had mellowed out and gone in not-to-be-unexpected directions.

What I thought was most interesting was that the fun people were still fun, and now more so in their middle age, since the awkwardness of high school wore off. That was cool.

Had a good talk with a fellow nerd who now works at JPL. My only regret of the night was that I didn't run into her until after my 4th beer. That made it difficult to follow as she explained tropospheric atmospheric spectrometry.

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I went to school with a guy who I was sure would do prison time for theft or drugs by the time he was 30. I was wrong.

He didn't get to prison until he was 37 and it was for videotaping himself having sex with a (shudder) underage girl and infant. His wife was involved and got tossed in jail, too. He got 41 years. Too bad there wasn't a death penalty available for that.

Sick, sick sick.

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My high school pays for an alumni website. Afterall the reunion talk I visited the site to see, as this is the 10 yr mark...nothing so far. Probably cuz the person who usually plan things like that is in Louisanna now. Those that have joined I don't even remember a third of them. A good number with 3+ kids and quite a few single parents. And some suprises too. I already stay in touch with the few people I care to know from back then, so I'd probably not attend a reunion anyways.

My wife and I went to the same HS and graduated the same year. Neither one of us really cared about going to the reunion... even though we live in the same town we grew up in! The organizers made it at some trendy bar in Hoboken (instead of like all the other classes that do it at a local reception hall) and since my wife was pregnant at the time, the $100 all you can drink cover didn't really interest us for the 2 hour cocktail hour. Plus we figure if we wanted to stay in touch with anyone from HS we already do that now.

The overall attendance (class of about 230) was under 100 classmates. I see enough of my old classmates around town... like the wrestler that gave me a hard time in school for years... he cuts meat at a deli... friends like to go and taunt him... give me a pound of turkey... cut it thinner... that's not thin enough.. thinner...

My graduating class was over 800 students. Just about 220 showed up for the 20th, and it was pretty much just the football team, the chearleaders, and then a handful of random students. Very few of the (few) people I was interested in seeing again were even there, and one of my friends flat-out refused to go (and he lived only 2 blocks from the venu, which was the 3rd base line at Coors Field).

I felt like an absolute dork in high school, and really had only a handful of friends. Which is odd, now, looking back on it all. I look like a normal guy in all my HS pictures. I guess I had just been such a geeky kid in junior high, and had been teased and bullied so much, that I still felt that was how I appeared to others, so I just kept mostly to myself. I remember getting to college and thinking "no one here knows what I was like in jr. high, I can re-invent myself!" and went out and bought a 12 pack and downed the whole thing the first night. I was still an odd dude, to be sure, but I was a drunken, odd party dude. Which really made all the difference. I would jump at the chance to attend a reunion of my freshman and sophomore year college dorm mates. But I can assure you, I won't be attending any more HS reunions.
