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Dontcha think it'll be the one with the most points when the final seconds tick away?

Will the 2006-2007 Indianapolis Colts have a perfect season and win the super bowl like the 1972 Miami Dolphins?

What I really wanted to say is...why do cops think they know more than engineers when they only have 6 months of education and are typically younger than you when they pull you over for doing 110 mph on a road designed for speeds higher than that?

Why do real estate personel make more than engineers?
Why do engineers make lots of $$$, drive fast cars and get more hotties than the guys who majored in English lit and are flipping hamburgers at McDonalds?


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Hero, did someone forget to fill your water dish? (now, a dog that can read really is impressive, but one that can write, well...)

Hero, did someone forget to fill your water dish? (now, a dog that can read really is impressive, but one that can write, well...)
Can somebody fill my water dish? :p

What I really wanted to say is...why do cops think they know more than engineers when they only have 6 months of education and are typically younger than you when they pull you over for doing 110 mph on a road designed for speeds higher than that?
Did you know that was actually a statement about what you really wanted to say and not a question? :D

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