Reference question

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Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
To make things easier on myself, I made a copy of the ncees practice exam so that I could write out my own hand written solutions without writing in the book. I am wondering if this practice exam copy would be ok to take into the exam? - I don't believe it is a copyright issue since I own the book, but I am looking to see if anyone has done anything similar.

I doubt it. I asked NCEES specifically if I could take in copies of pages from books that I don't want to take in and they said it was ok. You are allowed to copy items for your personal use from material you own.

Another thing - ncees states if you have pencil marks in your books you should photocopy them or highlight over... I don't see how making a copy and handwriting on it is any different.

Another thing - ncees states if you have pencil marks in your books you should photocopy them or highlight over... I don't see how making a copy and handwriting on it is any different.
What is the issue with pencil marks in reference material??

Another thing - ncees states if you have pencil marks in your books you should photocopy them or highlight over... I don't see how making a copy and handwriting on it is any different.
What is the issue with pencil marks in reference material??
Oh boy, here we go. :)

This was discussed at some length here last year. I'm not sure it if a consensus was ever made as no NCEES reference to preexisting pencil marks were found. My feeling/fear is that, if during the exam, you accidentally bring your pencil to your reference material and the proctor sees, he/she may ask to see your material. If you have pencil marks in your reference material, you can't prove that were weren't writing in there during the exam. If however, your notes are in pen and/or highlighted pencil, you'll have an easier shot at showing the proctor you're not trying to cheat.

My notes are all in pen and highlighted pencil. During the exam I will try not to bring the pencil anywhere near my reference material. I might be paranoid, but I'm not going to risk it. I don't want to give the proctor a reason to be interested in me. If you get booted from the exam and the proctor was wrong, you still got booted from the exam.

Another thing - ncees states if you have pencil marks in your books you should photocopy them or highlight over... I don't see how making a copy and handwriting on it is any different.
What is the issue with pencil marks in reference material??
Also, make sure that you ask your proctor if the pencil they issue contains the correct graphite in it. Otherwise the marks you make won't count, regardless of the shape

Another thing - ncees states if you have pencil marks in your books you should photocopy them or highlight over... I don't see how making a copy and handwriting on it is any different.
What is the issue with pencil marks in reference material??
Oh boy, here we go. :)
This was discussed at some length here last year. I'm not sure it if a consensus was ever made as no NCEES reference to preexisting pencil marks were found. My feeling/fear is that, if during the exam, you accidentally bring your pencil to your reference material and the proctor sees, he/she may ask to see your material. If you have pencil marks in your reference material, you can't prove that were weren't writing in there during the exam. If however, your notes are in pen and/or highlighted pencil, you'll have an easier shot at showing the proctor you're not trying to cheat.

My notes are all in pen and highlighted pencil. During the exam I will try not to bring the pencil anywhere near my reference material. I might be paranoid, but I'm not going to risk it. I don't want to give the proctor a reason to be interested in me. If you get booted from the exam and the proctor was wrong, you still got booted from the exam.
I wouldn't put that pencil anywhere near that answer sheet also.

Another thing - ncees states if you have pencil marks in your books you should photocopy them or highlight over... I don't see how making a copy and handwriting on it is any different.
What is the issue with pencil marks in reference material??
Also, make sure that you ask your proctor if the pencil they issue contains the correct graphite in it. Otherwise the marks you make won't count, regardless of the shape

Thought I heard something about Hurricane Patricia affecting the supply of proper NCEES graphite?

I'm going to leave the pencil away from my reference material as well... but has anyone really got the boot for this or is it just paranoia? I always assumed ncees doesn't want you making notes of exam questions and if you have pencil marks or notes about completely different questions surely that's defense in itself??

I'm going to leave the pencil away from my reference material as well... but has anyone really got the boot for this or is it just paranoia? I always assumed ncees doesn't want you making notes of exam questions and if you have pencil marks or notes about completely different questions surely that's defense in itself??
For me? It's paranoia.

not at all! huge time saver. Bathroom Breaks....Ain't nobody got time for dat!

All joking aside, if you need to use the bathroom, just go use the bathroom. Sitting there holding it in and being uncomfortable is not going to help you at all. The couple minutes you'll take to use the bathroom is well worth it.

All joking aside, if you need to use the bathroom, just go use the bathroom. Sitting there holding it in and being uncomfortable is not going to help you at all. The couple minutes you'll take to use the bathroom is well worth it.
I plan on not eating or drinking anything starting Wednesday night. With the help of a laxative and diuretic, my system should be empty by Friday.

All joking aside, if you need to use the bathroom, just go use the bathroom. Sitting there holding it in and being uncomfortable is not going to help you at all. The couple minutes you'll take to use the bathroom is well worth it.
I plan on not eating or drinking anything starting Wednesday night. With the help of a laxative and diuretic, my system should be empty by Friday.
You'd be ready for a colonoscopy on Fri too. Two probes in one day.
