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Probie-one, PE
May 8, 2006
Reaction score
The panic has started. I just overheard someone in my office saying "My sister in N. Carolina called and the gas stations are running out of gas and charging $5 a gallon. Everybody need to go right now and fill up their tanks while there is still gas left". When I tried to explain that to this nimrod that was totally unnecessary he shot back with "well if their isn't a shortage then why are the gas stations running out of gas"

BECAUSE DUMB SHITS LIKE YOU WHO DON'T NEED GAS GO AND BUY AS MUCH AS THEY POSSIBLY CAN AT INFLATED PRICES BECAUSE YOU THINK THEIR IS A SHORTAGE. When everyone goes to the gas station at once the gas station will run out of gas. This pushes the the masses further into a frenzy because now lots of gas stations are out of gas. If the gas station doesn't have gas then their must be a shortage right? I swear these morons think every gas station is hooked directly into a pipeline.

Can you tell I'm annoyed? Now for no good reason their will be a run on gas stations this morning and gas prices are going to go through the roof. FUCK I hate people sometimes.

People around here are stupid. Due to the hurricane that is about to hit Houston many refineries have shut down. This causes gas prices to rise. Dumb people see this and think that there is going to be a gas shortage. So they run out to gas stations and top of their tanks and fill up any container they can with gas. This causes the gas stations to each one by one to run out of gas which drives down the supplies while peaking the demand. The result is the station start charging more. The combination of stations A) running out of gas and B ) charging $5+ a gallon drives the idiot masses into more of a panic.

It happened here during hurricane Rita. People freaked out b/c the refineries in Houston were being shut down and gas prices started going up. People saw this and by word of mouth or email the rumor spread that their was going to be a gas shortage. So everyone at once ran out to buy gas, which low and behold created a gas shortage.

The same stupid rumors have started floating around the office. I am frustrated with their stupidity.

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This is one of those days when I'm really glad that I work mostly from home. It insulates me from actually needing gas when something like this is happening.

The price of wholesale gas shot up by over $1/gallon last night...for some reason, this triggers the "BUY NOW" gene in the minds of idiots. I call them idiots because the keystone principle of the commodity (as well as any other) market is buy low, sell high. Maybe I should offer to siphon gas out of my car into other peoples' cars at a price of $10 a gallon, then go fill up again at a cost of $4 a gallon.

Some people are like that, and those people also die early due to cardiac problems. Well, I guess thats not totally true, our receptionist is one of those and shes in her 70's.

Gas prices jumped from 3.39 to 4 here in St. Louis. I am of the train of thought (woo woo) that stations should not be allowed to raise the price of gas until they get the gas from the truck (which they paid for at a higher rate). Along with this, gas prices can only fall if they get teh gas cheaper from the truck as well.

Some people are like that, and those people also die early due to cardiac problems. Well, I guess thats not totally true, our receptionist is one of those and shes in her 70's.
Gas prices jumped from 3.39 to 4 here in St. Louis. I am of the train of thought (woo woo) that stations should not be allowed to raise the price of gas until they get the gas from the truck (which they paid for at a higher rate). Along with this, gas prices can only fall if they get teh gas cheaper from the truck as well.
Does everyone one want to know the simple solution to this very easy problem? I can tell you right now that about half of the people on this board aren’t going to like it. The simple solution is to allow gas stations to raise prices to whatever they want to charge. Some might start charging $10 a gallon, others might start charging $5. With the market functioning in this manner, prices will do what they are supposed to do…..allocate scarce resources in the market.

Yesterday I legitimately needed gas. Now, if gas prices had been $10 a gallon do you think I would have topped off my tank. No, I would have put enough in to get me through the weekend. If gas prices had been $10 a gallon, the dumbass I saw filling up every f-ing lawnmower gas tank he owned would probably have left those at home.

And this crap about “not being allowed to raise the price” is simply a socialist, central planning, populist bunch of bullshit. Who are you to tell someone they can or can’t raise prices? What if some dipshit beuracrat decided you were charging too much for your engineering services already and told you that you shouldn’t be allowed to raise prices until you hired engineers at a higher salary? WAKE UP PEOPLE. However, if you would like to go open a gas station and sell your gas for below market value and take a loss on it you are more than welcome. I am sure you’ll be able to find a bank that will lend you money to open a gas station with that business plan.

Does everyone one want to know the simple solution to this very easy problem? I can tell you right now that about half of the people on this board aren’t going to like it. The simple solution is to allow gas stations to raise prices to whatever they want to charge. Some might start charging $10 a gallon, others might start charging $5. With the market functioning in this manner, prices will do what they are supposed to do…..allocate scarce resources in the market.
Yesterday I legitimately needed gas. Now, if gas prices had been $10 a gallon do you think I would have topped off my tank. No, I would have put enough in to get me through the weekend. If gas prices had been $10 a gallon, the dumbass I saw filling up every f-ing lawnmower gas tank he owned would probably have left those at home.

And this crap about “not being allowed to raise the price” is simply a socialist, central planning, populist bunch of bullshit. Who are you to tell someone they can or can’t raise prices? What if some dipshit beuracrat decided you were charging too much for your engineering services already and told you that you shouldn’t be allowed to raise prices until you hired engineers at a higher salary? WAKE UP PEOPLE. However, if you would like to go open a gas station and sell your gas for below market value and take a loss on it you are more than welcome. I am sure you’ll be able to find a bank that will lend you money to open a gas station with that business plan.
I agree with that. I'm not upset with the gas stations and their pricing structure. They should be able to charge more as demand increases, I'm just disappointed in the masses of people that flock to the gas stations when they don't need to because of a perceived shortage. Then when the gas station runs out of gas they point and say "See, I told you there was a shortage".

Please wait until i fill the boat up this afternoon, I need to put 50 gallons in that thing!

I'm just glad I have a half tank left, so I'm good for a week or so. Hopefully it'll be back to normal by then.

I plan to use it as an excuse not to mow the yard, since I don't have gas for the mower.

All the idoits running out to buy gas are pissing me off too. It was all over the radio this morning, people talking about cancelling trips they had planned this weekend and whatnot.

Actually, thats kind of a good thing for me, maybe they'll be less people on the road when I drive the 200 miles to Clemson this afternoon.

All the idoits running out to buy gas are pissing me off too. It was all over the radio this morning, people talking about cancelling trips they had planned this weekend and whatnot.
Actually, thats kind of a good thing for me, maybe they'll be less people on the road when I drive the 200 miles to Clemson this afternoon.
Go Tigers. I was hoping to make the trip as well but my wife has a get together with all of her friends this weekend so I am hanging with the kiddies.

I remember that I had to drive a long distance on September 12, 2001, and so the night before I had to fill up. I remember having to wait in huge lines and then paying a shocking $1.55 per gallon. However, I just figured that's what life was going to be...that gas would be really expensive like $1.55 for awhile since we'd been attacked.

Seven years later, I want to kick who I was and show her my gas receipts now.

Sorry...had to wander off into left field for awhile...

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I remember that I had to drive a long distance on September 12, 2001, and so the night before I had to fill up. I remember having to wait in huge lines and then paying a shocking $1.55 per gallon. However, I just figured that's what life was going to be...that gas would be really expensive like $1.55 for awhile since we'd been attacked.
Seven years later, I want to kick who I was and show her my gas receipts now.

Sorry...had to wander off into left field for awhile...
quit being such a buzzkill, this thread had wandered it's way to a discussion on football and you have to go and bring us all back on topic. :p

^^ Conversations tend to go either to football or the gutter around here. Of course, the way Clemson looks this year, those could be the same thing.

quit being such a buzzkill, this thread had wandered it's way to a discussion on football and you have to go and bring us all back on topic. :p
Sorry...I love that left field around here is on topic :)

Ahem..."boy, I'd like to fill HER tank"

does that help?
