There was a dude in one of my undergrad engineering classes who told the prof he had a learning disability and needed extra time for quizzes/tests and possibly time outside of class.
Stuff like this pisses me off. I am all for equal opportunities but at what point does the ability to process information at a normal speed become a requirement of the job?
I am sure stuff like this happens with the PE all the time. A question to ponder, is there an ethical responsibility to alert clients that you have processing speed disorder if you received extra time to pass the PE because of it? I can see the argument that your ability to serve the clients is hindered by "processing speed disorder" and the client has a right to know.
The professor goes, um, then you shouldn't be an engineer. OMG I felt so bad...
And the "processing speed disorder" = stupidity was one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Sorry.