Power Module Questions

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Active member
May 27, 2008
Reaction score
Juneau, AK
Hi All,

In going through 'Power Systems Analysis' I've complied some questions. Past test takers, please comment:

Were unsymmetrical 3 phase fault calculations on the exam, or just symmetrical 3 phase faults? (Unsymmetrical faults are considerable more time consuming to solve.)

Are the 3 phase systems loaded prior to faults, or do we assume unloaded systems prior to faults? (Again, much more time is needed for loaded systems.)

Finally, were there impedances to neutral in the fault calculations? With impedances in the neutral, the zero sequence network has to be considered along with positive and negative sequence networks, once more increasing the time to solution.

I've got the NCEES sample exam coming, but I'm antsy to hear what ya'll have to say.



Rather than get into specifics I will say this: it should be possible easily to solve every question in 6 minutes or less. Given this, obviously you will not get into complicated sequence component calculations. HOWEVER, you should still understand concepts like unbalanced faults and how to connect the sequence networks for different types of faults, because they may very well find a way to test these concepts without requiring a large amount of computation.

Expanding on what mudpuppy said, it sounds like you have a firm grasp on the concepts that you are asking about, and that should get you through any questions about them on the exam. If the plug-and-chug on a problem would take a lot more than 6 minutes, there's no way you'll see it on the exam. But, they may ask general questions that could probably be answered by your questions above.
