Complex S = V x I*.
V = A sin( Wt + beta) ; I = B sin(Wt + phi) ; Theta = (Beta - Phi)
S = (A angle_beta) x (B angle_phi*)
Beta > Phi = we will get an positive reactance of j (positive Theta)
Phi > Beta = we will get an negative reactance of j. (negative (Theta)
Looking at the power phasor diagram, S = P + jQ. j is always positive and its the first quadrant.
I'm confused because regardless of the reactance component the power phasor diagram is always in the first quadrant and therefore j is always positive. How do we know if the circuit is inductance or capacitance driven?
In addition, when we take the conjugate when solving for the complex component what happen to the angles of current and voltage that help us before to determine if its leading or lagging (I as the reference to V).
V = A sin( Wt + beta) ; I = B sin(Wt + phi) ; Theta = (Beta - Phi)
S = (A angle_beta) x (B angle_phi*)
Beta > Phi = we will get an positive reactance of j (positive Theta)
Phi > Beta = we will get an negative reactance of j. (negative (Theta)
Looking at the power phasor diagram, S = P + jQ. j is always positive and its the first quadrant.
I'm confused because regardless of the reactance component the power phasor diagram is always in the first quadrant and therefore j is always positive. How do we know if the circuit is inductance or capacitance driven?
In addition, when we take the conjugate when solving for the complex component what happen to the angles of current and voltage that help us before to determine if its leading or lagging (I as the reference to V).