Post Zimmerman trial riots?

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the whole trial is F'd up - 6 jurors instead of 12, and all of them women?! This thing has all the lead-in to a mistrial as it is....

Florida's statute 913.10 "Number of jurors.—Twelve persons shall constitute a jury to try all capital cases, and six persons shall constitute a jury to try all other criminal cases." Rewarding the all women aspect, read -florida-shooting-jurors-20130713,0,599177.story"> USA -florida-shooting-jurors-20130713,0,599177.story for a description.

Your response is full of emotion. We've got to stop appealing to the "emotion of the crowd" and rather leverage the "wisdom of the crowd".

What happened to a "jury of your peers"?

Do you know the source of this? Hint: it is NOT in the Constitution.

Do you know what is meant by "peer"? Hint: It is NOT someone just like you.

Peer: one that is of equal standing with another : equal; especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status

If those women were not in Zimmerman's same societal group, age, etc, then they are NOT his peers by any definition, I don't care what the source of "a jury of your peers" is.

I've always said, "if I am guilty of a crime, I want a jury trial, but if I'm innocent, I want a bench trial." Juries are stupid. Even if you've been on one, as a collective, they are stupid. You can convince at least 1 or 2 people on a jury that up is actually down. And those people will at least make things a pain in the ass for the rest of the jury or cause a hung jury. But if I want the facts to speak, I'll leave it up to a judge and keep the idiots out of the decision.

Has Obama weighed in yet?

"The death of Trayvon Martin was a tragedy. Not just for his family, or for any one community, but for America. I know this case has elicited strong passions. And in the wake of the verdict, I know those passions may be running even higher. But we are a nation of laws, and a jury has spoken. I now ask every American to respect the call for calm reflection from two parents who lost their young son. And as we do, we should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to widen the circle of compassion and understanding in our own communities. We should ask ourselves if we’re doing all we can to stem the tide of gun violence that claims too many lives across this country on a daily basis. We should ask ourselves, as individuals and as a society, how we can prevent future tragedies like this. As citizens, that’s a job for all of us. That’s the way to honor Trayvon Martin."
Wow basically the president is saying that the jury was wrong.

Or maybe if Zimmerman didn't have a gun he would be dead instead of Trayvon.?

The riots are still going on and the violence is increasing. LA is a massive hotbed and businesses and vehicles have been looted and damaged. Rioters threw things at the police. How exactly is this making things better? This doesn't exactly help the cause of changing minds about the lower/middle class black community when violence is the first resort when things don't go the way they want it.

The media didn't help in this case either, the whoe thing was spun out of control and built up such a fever that no one was level headed when it was over. The digital age and need for instant information and decisions is ridiculous when it comes to these trials. Everyone is now guilty, and even when proven innocent, is still guilty.

I do not agree with the Stand Your Ground law, and I do think that Zimmermann should have been convicted of at least assault as he could have just walked away.

What I am most disappointed in is that these types of deaths occur every day in America. last year there were 113 homicides where I live, of those maybe half a dozen were "sensationalized" by media since they involved kids or affluent white neighborhoods. The others were either small lines on the paper or not reported at all. No riots took place, no social media campaigns were started, and CNN/Fox/MSNBC didn't give a rats a$$ that that an 8yo was shot in the face because he was on his grandmothers front porch.

if we want to change the issue, maybe we should start with respecting all human lives and not just the ones that were ended by one of another color.

I hope the Martins sue the HOA and that this opens a Pandora Box. This happened because the HOA thought that the city police was not good enough for them and they needed wannabees, like GZ, to patrol the neighborhood.

Regardless of what happened, I was not there so cannot favor one side or the other, the HOA is responsible before my eyes. I think it is time that someone put a stop to these abusive, authoritarian, and arbitrary organizations. They have way to much power.

I don't see this thing as over yet. The civil cases of wrongful death or other non criminal type lawsuits are sure to start.

Snick, how can there be a wrongful death case if he was acquitted of any wrong doing in the death of Martin? I agree with DK that the next step is going to be against the HOA or a legal battle to redefine the SYG law. The SYG law is the primary problem, it allows people to walk into dangerous situations when all logical sense tells you to walk away from danger.

Criminal court yes, but there are lots of civil court suing type stuff that can happen...from the various legal pundits out there I was hearing on the radio this weekend

Snick, how can there be a wrongful death case if he was acquitted of any wrong doing in the death of Martin?

Level of proof is lower. 'Preponderance of the evidence' rather than 'beyond a reasonable doubt.'

Same evidence could be used both ways. As Zimmermann said he was assaulted, he should be able to counter-sue.

He was aquitted of criminal charges - civil suits will definitely be filed, just like w/ OJ! :p

Dude's definitely gonna be financially drained, even if he sees no time behind bars.

I do think that Zimmermann should have been convicted of at least assault as he could have just walked away.

1) He did nothing legally wrong by not walking away. This is America. You can walk where you like, no matter how unwise it is.

2) It isn't assault if it is self defense. The jury decided it was self defense.
