Post Zimmerman trial riots?

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I do think that Zimmermann should have been convicted of at least assault as he could have just walked away.

1) He did nothing legally wrong by not walking away. This is America. You can walk where you like, no matter how unwise it is.

2) It isn't assault if it is self defense. The jury decided it was self defense.
But is it self defense if you verbally harrass someone to the point they physically respond?

I do think that Zimmermann should have been convicted of at least assault as he could have just walked away.

1) He did nothing legally wrong by not walking away. This is America. You can walk where you like, no matter how unwise it is.

2) It isn't assault if it is self defense. The jury decided it was self defense.
But is it self defense if you verbally harrass someone to the point they physically respond?
Yep, believe it or not.

(insert awful, too soon Skittles assets joke here)



skittles need to take the new green apple flavor out and put lime back in the totally over powers all the other flavors

All joking aside, the truly sad thing about this is that it all could have been avoided if either or both parties had acted like responsible adults instead of playing a game of 'Quien es mas macho?'

One life gone, many lives ruined because they were both 'too much of a man' to back down.

Sue a dead kid?! :lmao:

technically, you'd sue the estate, but there isn't really much point, is there?

Yeah it seems this happened in Chicago, where some poor chump (college kid) tried to cut across the tracks at one of the train stations, got predictably splattered by a train, and some bystanders got injured by flying severed limbs, and thence they sued his estate for recompense or something.

Wow. just wow.

Peer: one that is of equal standing with another : equal; especially : one belonging to the same societal group especially based on age, grade, or status

If those women were not in Zimmerman's same societal group, age, etc, then they are NOT his peers by any definition, I don't care what the source of "a jury of your peers" is.

I've always said, "if I am guilty of a crime, I want a jury trial, but if I'm innocent, I want a bench trial." Juries are stupid. Even if you've been on one, as a collective, they are stupid. You can convince at least 1 or 2 people on a jury that up is actually down. And those people will at least make things a pain in the ass for the rest of the jury or cause a hung jury. But if I want the facts to speak, I'll leave it up to a judge and keep the idiots out of the decision.

What you want and what you're entitled to are two very different things.

I asked one of our attorneys and basically in legal language (not webster) a jury of your peers are the registered voters whom reside in the court district where the case is administered, nothing else matters.....
